Well, IMDB says 2013 but the credits say 2012. It wasn’t bad, it was fun enough and almost never boring, it’s a pity that the characters were so stupid but the movie is enjoyable nonetheless. Definitely not perfect, but very enjoyable, with a good cast, good costumes, good makeup, good credits.
Now they are all grown-up and witch-hunters by profession. They are hired by the mayor of a city where eleven children have disappeared. They stop the sheriff from burning Mina, an innocent woman, and start investigating. There’s a very powerful witch who needs twelve children born in the twelve months of the year and also the heart of a powerful white witch, to make a spell/potion/something that will make them all invincible, or at least fireproof, not sure they could survive being beheaded. Anyway. There’s a lot of shooting and fighting and then they save the children and stop all the witches; at the end they go on with their hunting and won’t stop until they’ll have killed all the evil witches... with the fanboy guiding them :-/ and Edward helping them :-)
I felt so bad when Mina died saving Hansel, I liked her very much, it was clear from the first moment that she was a good witch, never had any doubt with that fabulous red hair, and I didn’t want her to die. I kept hoping that Gretel would show up in time to use her white magic and save her like Mina had used her own to save Hansel’s life, but no :-/ That was the only thing that left me unhappy with it, it was such a bitter ending for a movie like this. At least she saved Edward.
At first both brother and sister think that there are only bad witches and there’s no such thing as a good witch, but then: they are immune to witches’ magic; Edward the Troll saves Gretel’s life and tells her that he did it because ‘Trolls serve witches’; Hansel & Gretel find a lot of witches’ stuff in a house that they realize to be their old childhood house; Muriel tells them that their mother was a very powerful white witch that send them away to save them; Muriel also tells them that she needs the heart of a powerful white witch and wants Gretel’s; Mina saves Hansel’s life after Muriel stabbed him and he acts all hostile, how-did-you-do-it-are-you-a-witch kind of thing, as if he had never heard of white witches before - hadn’t he been listening?? And never they confront or acknowledge the fact that Gretel is a witch herself, never she tries to see if she can do something, it’s as if they hadn’t discovered anything of importance, up to the last scene they keep their usual routine of firearms and crossbows. They say in this movie that Muriel was a specially powerful witch, and we see that she has a coven of a lot of witches, and yet she didn’t attack Gretel’s mother because she was ‘too powerful’ for her... it doesn’t seem a little thing to me!
When they battle the whole coven, before Mina uses a machine gun on them, Hansel tells her 'when you see my signal unleash hell', like a true gladiator :p
Gretel-Gemma Arterton
Mina-Pihla Viitala
Muriel-Famke Janssen
Sheriff-Peter Stormare
ITA: Hansel & Gretel - cacciatori di streghe
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