domenica 9 settembre 2018

Doctor Who: The time of the Doctor

A big, epic episode.
The Doctor is surrounded by  enemy ships because they all received a mysterious message.Clara calls him for a favour: she has a Christmas dinner with her parents and asks him to be her fake boyfriend. He comes with holographic clothes that only Clara can see but not them so she tells them “He’s Swedish” (:-p do people in the UK think that it’s normal for Swedish people to walk around naked? :-p )
She uses the Tardis to cook the turkey; the cyberman-head “Handles” tells him the planet under the Tardis is Gallifrey. 
They meet Tasha, the Mother Superior of the Church of the Mainframe, who sends them on a place full of weeping angels under the snow, which is the place the message is coming from. There’s a truth-field on this town called Christmas. There’s also a big crack in the wall! Gallifrey is in another universe, and the message is from there, trying to get here. The message is the oldest question in the universe: Doctor who??
It’s a question only He can answer, and there’s a truth-field so he can’t lie. If it’s really him the Time Lords will know where to come back, and hell will break loose because all those ships will make war against them. The planet is called Trenzalore, and the Doctor stays there a long time to fight the enemies after sending Clara home. The Doctor protects the place for 300 years saving generations of lives, and people there now love him. Clara comes back. He explains to her that he’s used up all his 12 regenerations already, counting Ten’s regeneration with the same face and the Grumpy One (the war doctor I presume)... of couse, we know he regenerated into 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, which makes it 10, plus the war doctor and Ten’s double it makes 12 already.
Anyway, he tells Clara he has no regenerations left, so he’s old and dying. He leaves Clara home again and stays to fight on the fields on Trenzalore.
All the enemy races fighting, the Daleks unstoppable, and when all the others retreated or burned only the Church of the Mainframe kept fighting, also the Doctor and the Silence together against the Daleks. 
Tasha brings Clara back so the Doctor won’t die alone. He’s very very old now; he says “this is it” and “now you’re gonna stay here, promise you will” while he goes out to die fighting; she asks why, he says “I’ll be keeping you safe, one last victory, allow me that, give me that, my impossible girl, thank you and goodbye”. He hugs her and goes outside to face the Daleks calling him. Clara talks to the crack in the wall: “help him, help him change the future, do something” and “you’ve been asking a question, and it’s time someone told you you’ve been getting it wrong. His name is the Doctor” , the only name he needs, “everything you need to know about him, and if you love him, and you should, help him”. 
The crack in the wall closes but then opens in the sky and new energy flows in the Doctor and it closes again. His 13th regeneration energy destroys the Daleks. 
Clara puts the Tardis phone back in place.
The Doctor has the time to make his long, long last speech. He remembers Amelia “the first face this face saw”, and speaks of remembering all the people he used to be and “I’ll always remember when the Doctor was me” and sees Amy saying “Raggedy man goodbye”.
The new Doctor asks her if she knows “how to fly this thing”. Next scene, a dinosaur in old London’s Thames coughes the Tardis out. The new Doctor is very confused and can’t remember things, and then he faints. 
Last image:  Vastra saying: “well then, here we go again”

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