First of all, I’m glad Grindelwald is now played by Mikkelsen. I do like Johnny Depp but his character here was all wrong, starting with his appearance, in the previous movie he looked like Dumbledore’s grandpa, not a man of the same age…
Anyway, I quite liked the movie. I don’t like Dumbledore, the character, never have, but agree that he works for the good of the world and leave it at that.
Albus meets Gellert in a bar, they talk and Albus admits that he followed him once when they were younger because he was in love with him - classic Dumbledore action, as if he didn’t agree one bit back then. Gellert calls him out on that though, tells him it was more than that once, that Albus shared his dream to change and shape the world. He feels betrayed, and makes no secret of his disgust towards muggles.
Newt finds a pregnant Cilin but enemies show up and take the newborn. They go away not realizing that it had a twin. Newt takes that one.
Thanks to the little Qilin, Gellert sees snippets of the future.
Professor Lully Hicks enrols Jacob’s help. Albus told Theseus about the blood oath, the reason he can’t fight Gellert himself.
Albus sends the group on a mission: Newt and Theseus, Jacob, Lully, Bunty and Kama.
Jacob receives an almost-real wand, meaning the wood is real but it has no core.
In Berlin, Kama goes one way, Bunty another, with Newt’s case. The others go to the German ministry of magic, because Newt has a message from Albus to Herr Vogel : “do what is right, not what is easy”. And yet Albus himself didn’t come. Vogel says: “of course not, why leave Hogwarts when the world outside is burning”. Vogel gives a speech and says that after a thorough investigation, there’s no proof to condemn Grindelwald, so he is free and will be the third candidate in the upcoming elections, against Liu and Santos.
Quite surprisingly, Albus spends lots of time with his brother Aberforth.
Theseus gets arrested in Germany, and Albus gives Newt the means to go get him: some kind of papers that gives him the right to enter, but it’s up to only him if he’ll be able to get out. Both he and Theseus need to walk and swivel , so not to be eaten by the beasts there.
Albus also sends Lully and Jacob to attend the candidates dinner, because there will be an assassination attempt.
Bunty has a man make copies of the case, six of them.
Kama joins Gellert’s group.
Credence attacks Albus on the streets of Berlin, they fight . Albus wins, and tells him that he is indeed a Dumbledore, but not his son, and that they didn’t know about him. Then he lets him go.
Since Gellert killed the Qilin, he can see images of the future: is this why Jacob has a ‘wand’? Because now Gellert sees an image of Jacob pointing his wand? And how could Albus possibly know? Well, he knew he had the Qilin after all…
At the dinner, Jacob sees Queenie again, but she doesn’t acknowledge him. I suppose Lally saved Santos life; Jacob confronts Gellert with his wand, demanding he let Queenie go. When someone shouts Assassin! at him, Lally saves him with another portkey - that book is very useful, although that’s not how I thought portkeys worked.
Newt and Theseus are also saved by a portkey, and once again the use is jot correct, because no activation word was spoken… it passed many hands, from Albus to Newt to Theseus to the man inside the prison, to the niffler Teddy and again Theseus. Yet now it activated without a word…
Newt and Theseus meet Jacob and Lally again at Hogwarts - some Slytherin kids give Jacob some Cockroach Clusters, and once he hears what they are he leaves them behind with a glare while the kids sneered… which makes little sense because they’re magicals and therefore they’re normal to them, plus they actually bought those sweets, probably in Honeydukes. It’s annoying this attempt to make Slytherins look bad…
Bhutan is where the election will take place. They gather at Aberforth’s, where Bunty is waiting. Newt explains about the Qilin: “she’s incredibly rare, one of the most beloved creatures in the wizarding world”. “ ‘cause she can see into your soul” and “if you are good and worthy, then she’ll see that. But if, on the other hand, you’re cruel and deceitful, then she’ll know that too”. Lally adds: “she bows, but only in the presence of someone truly pure of heart. I mean, almost none of us are, of course, no matter how good of a person one tries to be. There was actually a time, many many years ago, when the Qilin chose who’d lead us.” … In this age and society, they’d be hunted down and sterminated.
Albus tells Aberforth that Credence needs him. Albus explains to Newt: “the summer Gellert and I fell in love, my brother fell in love as well, with a girl from the Hollow. She was sent away. There were rumours about a child” … … boh, it’s not clear to me at all, why was she sent away, who did it, did Aberforth know, tey to find her, what was that all about…
Albus adds that at this point “Credence can’t be saved.” He knows because of phoenix ash. “The bird comes to him because he’s dying.” and he tells Newt that his sister was an obscurial too, “she never learned to express her magic. Over time it grew darker and began to poison her.” About her death, Albus says: “Gellert and I had made plans tomgo away together. My brother didn’t approve. One night, he confronted us. Voices were raised, threats made. Aberforth drew his wand, which was foolish. I drew my wand, which was even more foolish. Gellert just laughed. No one heard Ariana coming down the stairs. Can’t say for certain it was my… spell. Doesn’t really matter.”
Newt says: “ Lally said something earlier about most of us being ultimately imperfect. But even if we make mistakes, terrible things, we can try to make things right. And that’s what matters. Trying.”
Gellert uses Rennervate Vulnera Sanentur to ‘revive’ the dead Qilin, and Vogel is there to see it. Only now he learns that there was another baby Qilin.
Newt says they’re in “the room we require” somI guess that means that they’re in Hogwarts, in the Room of Requirements. They need to take the Qilin to the ceremony, alive. They each take a case, Bunty, Newt, Theseus and Lally each take a suitcase. Jacob takes one too and leaves with Albus. Here, Albus made them think that Newt got the true one, because he wouldn’t let Jacob take that one.
Albus tells Jacob that he can abandon his case if there’s trouble, so he does. Theseus and Lally are next in losing their cases to the enemies. At the ceremony, Newt loses his.
Aberforth comes for Credence.
Obviously the dead Qilin chooses Gellert. Queenie had approached Jacob afraid for his life, but they got caught. Right after he ‘wins’, Gellert crucios Jacob and declares war on muggles. Santos stops Jacob’s pain.
Credence arrives and tells everyone that that Qilin is dead. Newt adds that there was another Qilin that night. Gellert denies it, and Newt thinks all is lost, but then Bunty arrives. She has the real case, and the second Qilin comes out. The dead one now appears dead, and the second one bows at Albus. He refuses, thanks the creature and tells it to choose another one, so the little one bows to Santos. (Of course it had to bow to bloody Albus Dumbledore, of course, and I admit he does want the world’s safety, come to think of it he is a politician to the bones thinking of the big picture, the world before the people…)
Gellert tries to kill Credence, but both Albus and Aberforth shoot at the spell itself to stop it. The blood oath breaks. Albus now fights Gellert but then they stop, sort of even. Gellert does not let them take him, of course. He escapes.
Credence is very weak, and Aberforth is with him, and takes him home. Albus lets Jacob keep his ‘wand’; Jacob is happy because he got Queenie back.
Albus shows Newt the broken blood oath, and then he nods his promise to Theseus to find Gellert and stop him.
At the end, there’s Jacob and Queenie’s wedding. Of course the maid of honor is her sister Tina. Albus does not enter. Albus thanks Newt for his help, and Newt says he’d do it again, should he ever ask.
There’s Newt and Theseus and Tina and Lally and Bunty, and Jacob marries his Queenie, and there’s Albert who works there.
Albus looks in from outside then walks away.
Albus… Jude Law
Gellert… Mads Mikkelsen
Newt… Eddie Redmayne
Jacob… Dan Fogler
Theseus… Callum Turner
Lally… Jessica Williams
Queenie… Alison Sudol
Credence… Ezra Miller
Aberforth… Richard Coyle
Bunty… Victoria Yeates
Tina… Katherine Waterstone
Vogel… Oliver Masucci
Liu Tao… Dave Wong
Santos… Maria Fernanda Candido
Minerva… Fiona Glascott
ITAAnimali fantastici- i segreti di Silente
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