giovedì 19 dicembre 2024

The sound of magic - Annarasumanara - season 1


From time to time they burst into songs ^_^ It was rather nice ^_^ It’s a Korean series, and it has lovely moments. Sure, it’s a bit sad/scary that a girl so young should have such money problems and be left to fend for herself without anyone helping her, but she got unlucky father-wise, and I’m not sure how much better other tried solutions really are… :-/


Yoon Ah-yi is at her second year of high school. When she was little she lived with her father who wanted to enter the toys business, but apparently he went bankrupt and ran away because he owned lots of money, so she lives alone now, with her younger sister. She has no money, like at all, she’s in debt for the house rent, and she struggles to find money to buy food for the both of them. She doesn’t want anyone to know at school. An annoying girl finds out though, Ha-na.

(Her ‘cruel’ trick was rather weird, though. Leaving a banknote on the floor near her seat, and coming back later to ask for it. Ah-yi is ashamed that she took it and says nothing, but really, is it so weird that someone took money found on the floor? Well, I guess the point was that she didn't want to give it back...)

Ah-yi finds a job at a local market, and at first the owner seems such a nice man that she explains to him the situation hoping to get a month payment in advance to pay some rent, but after he gives her some money he starts touching her, she pushes him away and he gets angry, but the man from the luna-park appears to help her, and makes him vanish.

Girls talk about him, saying he’s a true wizard, but she stopped believing in magic a long time ago. Still, the man doesn’t come back, he’s totally disappeared.

Ah-yi has a classmate, Na Il-Deung, who sits next to her, and he’s the best student in school. He gets rather upset when he learns that she’s better than him at maths, but slowly he starts to be charmed by her, without her doing anything, mind you.


Ah-yi doesn’t even notice when the boy Il-deung tries to ask her out. He doesn’t know how to act so he convinces her to go to the library with him, and lends her his books to stall her and keep her there, but he acts rather like a prat in doing so… but he tries, and then he sort of blurts it out that they could go out together, but she’s worried about her situation and doesn’t know what to say, so he pretends it was a joke.

She’s worried about her boss, and doesn’t know what to think of the wizard. He seemed nice, but can he be, really, when he vanished a person?

The wizard follows her home the night that three man appear to ask her about her father, but she insists she doesn’t know where he is. The boss gets aggressive but the wizard stops him, and she’s so desperate she asks him to make them disappear. He… gives them fake money and what? lets them beat him up when they realise it’s actually fake? Anyway, afterwards he goes away, she tells him to not come back.

The annoying girl Ha-na saw Ah-yi coming out of the park. She goes there again with her friend to make a youtube video, and is not nice at all to the poor parrot there. He appears out of the blue but instead of shooing them away wants to prove them he’s a real wizard… while the friend is taping it all. It’s not all that convincing, and then he stops before we can learn if he would really stab her too while stabbing her shadow. He stops because Ha-na mentions that someone in her class disappeared, Seo Ha-yoon, and then speaks of Ah-yi. The wizard tells Ha-na to tell Ah-yi he is waiting for her. (Not a good move, come on).

Il-Deung is the son of a wealthy, important man and has to do good on his exams. Ha-na tells him Ah-yi goes with the wizard for money, she really can't stand the poor girl. When Ah-yi goes to the lunapark to complain to the wizard that he's putting her in a difficult situation, he tells her he likes her, and Il-Deung hears him, but goes away after that without waiting for more. 

The wizard says she needs to talk to someone, and somehow sends all the messages that she wrote but never sent to her mother, only Ah-yi cries and yells that her mother is dead, and runs away. Actually, her mom left when she was a child.

Ha-na insists about Ah-yi and the wizard, and Il-Deung gets angry at her, but then he talks to Ah-yi alone, and tells her he'll pay her to make a few mistakes on the Maths test, so he'll be the absolute best in the school. Since she needs money...


Her little sister was giving up a school trip to save money, and Ah-yi feels sad and tells her to go, that she has the money... so she accepts Il-Deung's proposal, gets the money and throws it.

Ah-yi doesn't understand why he did it, he would have been the best student of the whole school anyway, but he tells her he also needs help with some homework, they have too much to do so he'll pay her if she does some of it for him... and of course she accepts, and they keep doing it.

Ah-yi goes back to the park, to learn magic from the wizard, and Il-Deung watches them and sees her smiling. He remembers Ha-na saying she goes there either for money or for love... after she leaves, they come face to face, but Il-Deung dislikes him and doesn't trust him, while the other is the usual magical him. Ri-eul is his name, says the parrot.

Il-Deung then talks to Ah-yi and learns that she knows nothing about him, not even his name or age. He forbids her to ever see him again, but she does meet him and asks him his name, then she goes away, but first sees a pregnant woman come to bring him food and eat with him.

Il-Deung shows up at their magic lessons, he's jealous that she likes it so much, but they spend time together. 

The police keep investigating Ha-yoon disappearance.

Someone posted on the school forum a picture of Il-Deung giving Ah-yi money...



Ha-Na puts cameeeras at the park but he arrives and she stops, pretending she was just sneaking around.

Il-Deung’s mom looks around his room and finds cards, flowers, all things used in magic tricks, even the hat. She throws it all away and tells him it’s all wasted time, he should study for law school, but that’s not his dream, it’s his parents dream.

Ah-Yi’s dad is back, but he’s still in trouble, and the next morning he’s gone with all Ah-Yi’s money. When he calls, she tells it like it is, but nothing, he goes away alone and with her money.

Ah-Yi keeps talking to Ri-eul and is shocked to learn the police are looking for him.

Ha-Na saw something terrible on her camera and she gives the usb to Ah-Yi and Il-Deun, and it appears that Ri-eul fought someone and hurt him with a knife.


Ah-Yi doesn’t want to believe ill of Ri-eul. Ha-Na goes spying in the night and when he finds her she admits she’s looking for proof and shows him the video, and she almost gets strangled by him after knocking down the parrot’s cage.

The parrot is ok.

She escapes and tells Il-Deung all about it. Ah-Yi doesn’t want to believe it, it’s like he’s the only one she has.

Il-Deung’s mom is angry that he left during an exam saying he had a headache and he has again magic stuff in his room, he says he likes it, but she’s furious. 

At night, a woman is robbed by the wizard from the luna-park. The police question her at school but she can’t believe it. Her perv of an ex boss reappears and accuses her of being the wizard’s accomplice. Il-Deung comes with an alibi, saying he was with the wizard that night. His father says he’ll suffer from getting involved, and everybody talks about him.


A runner found the body of Ha-Yoon. 

Ha-Na tells the police about almost being strangled. 

Ah-Yi goes to warn Ri-eul he should hide, but he’s crying because his parrot is ill. The police arrest him, Ryu Min-Hyuk. She tries to stop them, but he tells her to stop, that he didn’t do it and has no reason to run.

The detective tells her his story. Now 30, hel eft school and was put in a psychiatric hospital but 10 years ago he disappeared. 3 years ago he was investigated for a child disappearance, and has been more than once. Everybody thinks he’s crazy, and dangerous. Ah-Yi is scared they might be right but doesn’t want to believe it.

With Il-Deung, Ah-Yi calls the pregnant woman that gave her her number, asking to be called if something happened. She says they’re friends from school. She says Ryu was always brilliant, always the best, he got good grades to make his parents happy and was always sincere. She had a crush on him in first year, but in third year he was different, he was stressed out but kept studying too much, too hard,to be at his brother’s level, to make his academic parents happy. Until he snapped and jumped off the school roof following one of those brilliantly coloured butterflies. 

The doctors saved him and he was put in a mental hospital until he was better. 

This woman says Ryu could never have committed those crimes. 

At that moment, Ryu vanishes from the interrogation room. 

She goes on saying Ryu Min-hyuk wanted to remain a kid, never grow up to be like all those adults that trapped him.

Min-hyuk goes back to the luna-park, the police and Ah-yi find him there. He says he already told them everything, bu they won’t be satisfied until he confesses something he didn’t do.

When the cops take out their guns, Ah-Yi runs to him, believes in him. Then she “does magic” too, she makes him disappear…

The detectives find video footage that puts the blame on that perv, he tried to touch Ha-yoon too, she recorded him and he killed her, he went to plant evidence against the wizard, he was the man the wizard fought with a knife.

Il-Deung leaves school.

Time passes, Ah-yi’s dad finally found a job but she still has to work a lot. She works also as a magician for children.

End: the actors all sing together on stage :) 


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