lunedì 20 novembre 2023

Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot - 2015

 A superheroes movie Italian style, in a way. 

A weird movie, a good one but also a tough one. When you look at it, truly, it’s sad and tough, lots of bad things happening. The ‘mad girl’ is actually an extremely abused one since childhood, whose mind escaped, changed things to give them sense in her fantasy world. I think her mind snapped really early, the mind of a child not able to cope with all the abuse that kept on coming at her. A fantasy world where her father protected her instead of hurting her. Maybe after her mother died she lost the only good thing she had and snapped. Who knows. The protagonist, on the other hand, is not your usual hero because he was one of the criminals, once. A small one, though, who seems good compared to the evil around him. 

Luca Marinelli is amazing.

We see Enze’ being chased by two armed men. He runs and then tries to hide, but they’d find him for sure so he hides in the river, under the water, until they’re gone. Trying to get out, he steps onto some bins of toxic waste and one of them breaks, so he comes out all black, spitting black stuff, and shivers a lot. 

Fabie’ is a small criminal who wants to be a big one. He’s planning something none of the others like. He’s called Zingaro (like, gypsy). When one of ‘his gang’ insists he wants nothing to do with his plans, and will instead do the robbery he wanted to do alone, Zingaro takes the phone he got Sperma (semen) to steal for him and uses it to kill him in a rage, repeatedly hitting him on the head. 

Sergio is the big man that buys the stuff Enze’ steals. His daughter talks of winged swords and other strange things like they’re real, but is sure that as long as her father’s there nothing bad will happen to her, and one day Jeeg Robot will come to protect everyone. Sergio says she went mad after her mother died. Now, Sergio and an African young man they were using to smuggle drugs kill each other, and Enze’ falls from nine stories but after a little while he walks. He’s fine, and runs away.

Zingaro sings Un’emozione da poco for Nunzia’s birthday. It’s with her and her group from Napoli that he wants to start his rise to a big name.

Enzo goes back home to see the hole in his shoulder where he got shot. Alessia sees him alone and keep asking if he gave her father to the Firelord… she keeps ringing and yelling. He wants to punch the door in anger, and makes a big hole in it. He realises how strong he is, so he robs an ATM machine, by carrying it away. 

Zingaro and three guys question Alessia on her dad’s whereabouts because he had to bring back the smuggled drugs, but didn’t. Since he died. They are rather insistent and violent, so Enzo enters from a window, face covered, and saves her, and now she’s sure he’s Jeeg Robot and also knows who is behind the mask. She thinks he’s Hiroshi Shiba, able to transform into Jeeg. She wants him to save the world , and from what she says sometimes you can understand she’s been many times a victim of sexual abuse.

He leaves her at a charity home but is rather nice to her, getting used to her probably, even promises to buy her a princess dress.

There’s a video on Youtube about his robbery, and Zingaro envies that strength and wishes he’d be part of his gang.

Alessia left a dvd of Jeeg Robot at Enzo’s place and he watches it. 

Enzo makes the same robbery Zingaro wanted, seconds before him. Now Enzo can buy himself lots of stuff, but Zingaro has no money to give Nunzia’s gang, and doesn’t show up.

Alessia has sort of flashbacks at times, and Enzo starts to feel rather protective. He takes her to an amusement park, it’s old and closed, but he makes it work.

Ricca’ called Nunzia, he wants to give her her money before they’re all killed, and plans to borrow it. He goes against Zingaro who is not happy about this ‘I’m in charge’ attitude of his, so Zingaro orders Tazzi’ to set the dogs free, and the big Rottweilers eat Riccardo alive.

Enzo is at the mall with Alessia to buy her a princess dress. She kisses him and he takes her right there in the changing room, even with her totally unresponsive. It was not what she was hoping for. Once outside, she cries that he should be ashamed, he should think of his mission, of saving the people and her father, and he finally tells her that he’s dead. She cries more, tells him he cares about nothing, not even her. She goes away, and he stops the bus by force without covering his face. He goes in to talk to Alessia, apologises, says he doesn’t know how to behave with girls and maybe she should teach him.

Zingaro asks a prostitute friend for the money, Marcellone, but then Nunzia and her gang arrive and shoot the poor guy and threaten to light Zingaro on fire like a torch. While they’re distracted, a still alive Marcellone takes a gun and shoots two of them dead, then Zingaro joins in shooting the others, only Nunzia gets away.

Zingaro kills Marcellone for the trouble he’s in now.

At the morgue, Alessia calls her father Minister Amaso, and Enzo sees a tattoo on him of a winged sword… meaning he was the evil that hurt her, abused her, and who knows what else.

All of Zingaro’s men have been killed, but Zingaro sees on tv the video that some people made of Enzo stopping the bus.

Knowing lots of people filmed him, Enzo now wants to flee with Alessia, but they stop to sleep and Zingaro finds them and shoots him with anesthetic darts. Zingaro wants to know where hoes his strength come from, and has Alessia hostage. Enzo takes him to the point along the river and tells him all he knows. 

Tazzi’ touches Alessia so she stabs him with a knitting needle. Nunzia arrives to shoot Zingaro and sets him on fire, but he crawls into the river. Alessia is caught in the crossfire, shot, and dies telling ‘Hiro’, as she calls him, short for Hiroshi, to save them all.

Instead of dying, Zingaro comes out of the water much much later, quite disfigured but alive and strong, and after he fixes himself with makeup and a wig, he films himself while he kills everyone at Nunzia’s house.

He finds lots and lots of weapons there, and even explosives.

Enzo saves a little girl from a car on fire and the woman hugs him in tears. He sees on tv Zingaro’s video, promising a big boom, and he hurries to the stadium where there will be a big match.

It is full, and while everyone is inside, the only two outside are Enzo and Zingaro. They fight but they’re both super now. They run again, and Zingaro manages to start the bomb. So Enzo takes it and hurries away, but Zingaro stops him and the bomb is on a bridge full of people. Enzo tackles him and they fall into the river. The bomb does no damage to the bridge, but Zingaro’s head flies up on it making people scream.

Now everyone knows Enzo’s name, some calling him a hero and some remembering when he was  a thief. They think he died too, I guess, but he didn’t. Now he wears the mask Alessia knit for him. To be what she wanted him to be.

Enzo Ceccotti - Claudio Santamaria

Zingaro - Luca Marinelli

Alessia - Ilenia Pastorelli

Vincenzo - Salvatore Esposito

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