Season 1
ep 1 - Pilot - a teenage boy is accused of murdering his teacher, and a congressman loose his job because on television they say he slept with a prostitute, but he didn't. He found the daughter he gave away for adoption, and wanted to know her and get her a better life.
ep 2 - Moral waiver - A soldier girl claims to have been raped, but it turns out she was lying trying to protect her team, because the real victim had been too scared to come forward (I knew it!!). Practically he said she was his girlfriend, but truth was that had she said no, she would have been put sort-of-in the front line, something like that, meaning in real danger, for an unfair amount of time, because he was her superior, so she couldn't say no.
ep 3 - A perfect score - A girl kills a classmate because the victim wanted to expose her fraud in the tests. More than one girl had hired another person to do the test for them, and the victim found that out because her mom contacted this person to do the test instead of her daughter: apparently she wasn't satisfied with her results, still a shitty thing to do behind her back, like saying: you're never going to do any better!
ep 4 - Love always - The son of the Korean ambassador is shot after his wedding by the ex-husband of his wife.
ep 5 - Unchained - A gang leader in prison says he's changed, and Cal believes him, but not Torres. A victim's wife says she believes him too, but she's lying. They were all "why is she lying??" and I was: Come on, it's obvious, SO obvious! And I was right, she wanted him free so she could approach him and kill him to revenge her husband's death, but in the end they get it so they can go there and try to stop her, but instead is the former-gang-leader himself to stop her. With words, not with guns!
Also, a firefighter was killed because he wanted to marry the boss's niece, and even if I didn't know why, I was right on the killer! That blonde guy had 'guilty' written all over his face!
ep 6 - Do not harm - An eleven years old girl is missing, a adopted girl who was sort-of-abducted by her therapist, finding substitutes after her own daughter had died. Anyway, finding the woman and the girl at the place of Jessica's death was a stretch of plot, wasn't it? Why should that be the right place? It's not like she was taking them there every day, it's not like she wanted to kill her... It's just one of those things that don't make sense, I mean why not choose the place where they spent her last birthday, or their favourite place to go together... I understand the place she died has quite a major importance, but why should they go there now??? Or maybe it was just a possible place, Cal tried a shot in the dark, and he hitted right.
Also, a woman wrote a book about the war, about what happened to her as a child, only it never did, she's saying it because people listen to her, but now they're taking off her books, and I don't know: ok she lied, and I hate lies, but in this case, was it really necessary? Wasn't what she was doing for a good cause?? But yeah, I guess they had to, because in a way it was all a fraud.
ep 7 - The best policy - There's a drug that's been killing people, and we see Cal's friend Jeffrey. He's quite important now, they know each other since college, and he has issued on the market a drug that should cure people, but it doesn't work that way. At a point Cal suspects him to be a part of it, but he was lying, or hiding something simply because he was having an affair, cheating of his wife and Cal knows her too, so he didn't talk about that, but nothing more. Also, a spy-girl is held hostage in Yemen with her brother.
ep 8 - Depraved heart - Three girls were used as surrogates and them led to kill themselves.
ep 9 - Life is priceless - Three workers are trapped underground, also a rich guy asks to check if his girlfriend is sincere or simply after his money. It turns out that she lied initially, she DID know who he was, but then she fell in love and now she DOES love him. I like what they said here, about how is her beauty different from his money... every time a man says 'she only loves my money, she wouldn't love me without money', I'd like them to say honestly : would they like those women if they weren't so beautiful? Would they love them if they not remotely so top-model-looking???
ep 10 - Better half - Two houses are set on fire by a jealous wife, and a rapper is killed because he was gay and in a relationship with another rapper (he was so touching when he was so sad... poor thing, it was a good scene, very touching)
ep 11 - Undercover - An FBI agent wanted revenge for the death of her daughter, so he involved a cop who, in good faith, shot an unharmed kid.
ep 12 - Blinded - The case of some women blinded and raped by the copycat of a man in prison. When Gillian brought the two victims together, I immediately jumped 'please, let it not be the husband, I know it will be him but I don't want it!' ... and there it is, the husband of the victim is a fan: surprise!! ... ??? No, not really, no. I knew it would turn out to be him, I just hoped it wouldn't. I was right, and the end of the case was no fun at all.
ep 13 - Sacrifice - Someone is planting bombs on innocent kids, and two explode.
Season 2
ep 1 - The core of it - Sophie has multiple personalities: Jessie is a hooker who was present at a murder, RJ came out to protect her and witnessed it, and then showed it to Tricia who asked for Cal's help at a signing. Torres is left on her own to evaluate a candidate for the supreme court . He's not confident in her because she's so young, and this puts her off a bit, maybe leading her to uncover a very little thing he did when he was young, but nothing bad.
ep 2 - Truth or consequences - Gillian and Loker investigates a 'cult' for tax fraud, and an underage girl went to a frat party and slept with a guy, but he didn't know she was so young. Her father will take it out on the prosecutor who closed the case.
ep 3 - Control factor - Gillian works with Reiner to discover who's been poisoning blood for transfusions. Cal is on vacation with his daughter in Mexico, where a woman goes missing leaving a twelve year old daughter alone, and he finds her alive. I'm glad for that, but isn't it a bit absurd?? They just left her somewhere, with no curing and no murdering, just waiting, for her to die on her own.
ep 4 - Honey - A guy accused of killing his wife takes Torres hostage, then breaks into the agency and Cal stays alone with him, while Gillian and Loker go making the investigations. They solve the case and Loker acts a bluff to stop the lunatic.
ep 5 - Grievous bodily harm - Cal's old friend Terri comes back after 20 years asking for a favour and drags him into a lot of trouble, while Gillian solves a case of bullying at a school. One of those episodes where they try to trick you. It starts with Cal being shot and killed, then it goes back to let you see exactly what happened, as if it might be a surprise to discover that : no, he wasn't killed.. oh what a surprise, yeah, huh, who would have guessed that the star of the show wasn't going to die in episode 5???
ep 6 - Lack of candor - Ben should testify on the case of a man he worked for while he was undercover years ago, and Cal is worried for his safety and his career, because it turns out he killed a man to keep his cover, but since it's not reported anywhere he might loose his career over it (and he did report it, of course)
ep 7 - Black Friday - Sixteen years old Max comes to Cal's house saying he's not who his parents say he is, thinking he might be a child declared missing, kidnapped, and never found, but it turns out that little baby was killed by accident by the mother who didn't have the courage to admit it. Cal finds his real father, a man on a wheel-chair, who since he was stolen from him thought he had lost him forever. Also, Torres and Loker try to find out what happened outside a store, where a lot of people were waiting for it to open, but all of a sudden there was like a stampede and some people died.
ep 8 - Secret Santa - It's almost Christmas, but Cal is sent to Afghanistan to try and understand if the man found with the talibans who claims to be an american willing to help them free two american soldiers hostage is telling the truth or wants to send them into an ambush or something. Incredibly he makes it home in time for the Christmas party, and we only see the present he brought back for Loker, but none of the other presents, which was kind of a disappointment.
ep 9 - Fold equity - Cal goes to Vegas with Ben and Foster to find a young poker player who's missing, and Gillian is worried for him and the 'bad influence' Vegas has on him. Gillian is just worried, though, or maybe a bit jealous of the blonde that keeps flirting with Cal, and that sleeps with him? I didn't think they were a well-assorted couple, I didn't like them together, but still was understandable. Btw she was not the murderer, she just saw his charm I guess. :-)
ep 10 - Tractor man - They have to determine if a guy really has a bomb, and then stop it. Turns out he was forced to come here, and told that he had a bomb, but is just doing it because his family is held hostage.
ep 11 - Beat the devil - At a dimonstration, a kid fooled Cal because he's a psycopath, and Cal saw disgust when he was looking at the picture of a pretty girl, and arousal with a picture of a guy bound and gagged, like torture. Cal goes at him with all he's got, and he was right; the guy takes him and tortures him by drowning him and bringing him back to life, over and over, before they capture him . I'm not sure about this, was it his plan in order to have definite proof that he's the killer, waiting to get him where he knew he would have been taken to be buried? Better to be taken himself that have him take Helen? So, willing to undergo torture to prove a point? Willing to risk to die to prove he was right? What is he now, Sherlock?? I don't think this makes any sense, So I'm back to the part where he's abducted and tortured, and in the end he goes home alone. But there is the bet they made. When Cal says the guy owes him 200 bucks, he's clearly stating 'I beat you, I won', but if he's simply being rescued, it's not really 'him' who beat him, right? He got beaten by the fact that Cal has an FBI friend, not by something Cal actually did. So maybe that scene means that it was all planned on his part? Is that what I'm supposed to believe in this episode? That he went in to be tortured, telling Ben to wait for him at the burial site?? I don't know, I liked the episode, but the affair with Helen didn't make much sense, and the final... I didn't like. Anyone has a satisfactory explanation?
Also, Torres and Loker help out a teacher who risks being fired because he goes around saying he saw an UFO.
ep 12 - Sweet sixteen - Seven years ago Gillian had to evaluate Cal at the Pentagon, when he reported of a terrorist, and in an attempt to kill that man instead were killed his wife and daughter. Cal knew there had been a cover-up, and wanted to tell, but after her report he didn't. Now they uncover who was responsible, and Gillian admits that before they even met someone had come to her house and made it clear that Cal's family would be at risk if he talked, and she had tried to protect him. He understands now, and they hug. I loved that when the second bomb went off, he jumped on her to protect her.
ep 13 - The whole truth - A wealthy man dies, and the young widow Clara is accused of his murder. Cal's ex-wife Zoe defends her, and believing her innocence Cal wants to help her out.
ep 14 - React to contact - A man back from the war seems nuts but there's something his mind couldn't handle...
ep 15 - Teacher and pupils - Clara wants to learn from Cal what he does, and after solving the case of a cop killed, she gives them the 7 figures loan they needed... problem solved, so Cal never has to face the problem... things are easy for some people, aren't they? It's always easy to say 'I won't bend, I won't accept any compromise for money' when you don't actually need them, isn't it...
I have mixed feelings about her, I think it's probably that I don't agree on the actress choice for the role, nor I think they treated the character in the best of ways..
ep 16 - Delinquent - Ria's half sister is in trouble, so they sneak her into Foster's house and when Eva and Gillian are attacked by 4 people with a mask, Torres thinks she might know something, she doubts her.
Cal is all worried for Gillian. Their relationship is so nice, real friendship, deep love.
I was glad the 'bad guy' wasn't the psychiatrist but the cold warden lady. He was nice, and also interested in Foster :-) Also, I must add that first time I saw Eva I thought it was Ria, for a second, so when it turned out she had a sister it was no surprise at all to see it was her .-) Are the actresses related?
ep 17 - Bullet bump - A girl is killed at a governor speech, and later his assistant too, and it was all his wife, but it's not clear if at the end the governor will step down or not, having won the elections. I mean, surely Cal won't keep it a secret, so he will have to, right?
ep 18 - Headlock - Cal goes to watch a 'fight club' match, and a boxer is later found killed, and he wants to keep his involvement a secret saying that if he's arrested as prime suspect he'd lose Emily's custody, and Ben and Torres cover for him.
ep 19 - Pied Piper - A crimninal's death sentence is witnessed by Cal, who sees the truth in his last words, that he didn't take the boy; the man dies, and Cal wants to work the case anyway, and succeeds in saving the next victim.
ep 20 - Exposed - Foster's boyfriend is in trouble. He gets beaten up by the teenage son of a bad man he killed, and Gillian is worried sick, so Cal helps out in his own way. At the end, having blown his undercover, he'll be reassigned, get a new name, which might mean that they won't be able to see each other again, I guess...
ep 21 - Darkness and light - Cal and Gillian pretend to be husband and wife wanting to make a porn film because they are trying to find a girl who's missing. They find her, but she claims she won't go home because years ago her father had killed her mother, but truth is she was a little girl, leaving her toys anywhere and her mother fell on it, so they decide on a 'good lie' she could live with, and Cal says openly about his mother killing herself, and how he thought he should have seen it.
ep 22 - Black and White - A friend of Cal is killed, Ben ends up in a hospital in critical conditions, and we don't get to see how he'll do.
Season 3
ep 1 - In the red - Cal spots a man wanting to rob a bank, and he infiltrates his gang to stop it. Kind of a stupid episode if you ask me...
ep 2 - The royal we - A teen girl taking part in a beauty pageant creates troubles to mask her own pain.
ep 3 - Dirty loyal - The partner of the lady cop turns out dirty because he was hiding the fact that the 19 years old criminal is his son, and to clear her Cal teaches her how to lie. Gillian doesn't like it, and doesn't like her.
ep 4 - Double blind - A beautiful woman gets to Cal, and a museum gets robbed.
ep 5 - The canary's song - We meet Bernard again, and we are finally told that Ben is alive but forced to work behind a desk, and the Lightman's group is no more associated with the FBI, but Cal has been playing cards with criminals, apparently, so Foster has to help him, and investigate the card players. Cal is working on the case of a mine fire that killed 6 people.
ep 6 - Beyond belief - After attempting suicide, a woman decides to stay with a sort of self-help-group guru. Scientific repatterning, he calls it.
ep 7 - Veronica - Emily is driving and messaging and she almost hits a spaced-out woman who claims to be in danger. Emily asks dad to help her. She's saying that Charlie killed her sister Rose, projecting names she knows from her past into people that are dying now.
ep 8 - Smoked - His lady detective asks his help for a girl killed in a restaurant, apparently in a robbery. It was all her father's friend plan to inherit the restaurant.
ep 9 - Rebound - The case of the chameleon guy who married a different woman every six months, getting paid by their ex-husbands, and that in the end killed his partner in crime. Cal takes it to heart especially because the last woman has a son, who's getting hurt by this.
ep 10 - Funhouse - Emily brings home her friend Amanda to ask Cal for help. Her father is in a private mental hospital, but they are not helping him. Cal ends up there too, and talks to her mother and father while on drugs. It turns out it wasn't the hospital, but his own sister with her home-made brownies, that Cal too had tasted at her house.
ep 11 - Saved - When car incidents occur, there's always the same Emergency Medical Technician, always first on the scene, and on a video Cal saw guilt in her face while helping them, and that makes him curious/suspicious. It turns out it was her brother, changing the lights, to case the car crash accidents, and to make his sister relive the time when as a little child she made her mother crash and couldn't save her.
ep 12 - Gone - As I imagined from the first shot of the episode, having already seen the title, seeing the family I immediately thought it'd the brother to sneak the baby away.
ep 13 - Killer app - It starts with a trick. We see Gillian covered in blood, and I thought she was hurt, even if not fatally, then the flashback to explain et voilà, here is her friend, killed, and all the blood on Gillian was hers, not Gillian's. The case ends with the multimillionnaire boy in prison.
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