sabato 11 ottobre 2014

Lord Edgware dies by Agatha Christie

One of the first book I ever read, and still a good one, after all this time, even if I remembered just one important detail it was still very interesting to reread, and a lot of fun. There's Poirot, which is always a good thing, dragged into the whole business by a woman, Jane Richardson, a famous and beautiful actress, that one night asks for Poirot's help in convincing her husband to give her a divorce, and that starts saying things like how it would be easier for her if she wasn't married, and oh if my husband dies it would be great, I'd be free.. He's very curious and interested, and when her husband is found killed, he starts investigating, finding out her alibi, full of witnesses, and all the other people that could have done it, and that are now quite happy he's dead. Not a very nice person, he was, for sure.
It's funny that at one moment a character talks about it saying what a good title it would be "Lord Edgware dies", and what a great view it would be on a shelf.. :-)

SPOILERS here is the finale, so don't go on if you haven't read it.
It was fun from the start, where it said that Poirot considered this case as a failure for him, because he was at a loss until he heard a phrase from someone on a street that set him on the right track. It was also full of interesting characters, because that actress was very peculiar, then there was another actress who was capable of marvellous impressions, also found dead, made it look like suicide. It was the murderer's intention to make it look like she had done it, and then committed suicide. At Lord Edgware house, they had seen Lady Edgware come in, and leave after the murder, and it was believed that in fact it was the other girl impersonating her, while the real Jane was at a party full of people. Poirot is able to discover that it was the other way around. Nobody at the party knew her so well as to understand the trick, but it was just that, a trick. Jane had convinced the poor young actress to play her part as a joke, to see if she could fool everybody, not knowing that she was being used as an alibi for murder, and this is why she was then killed too. The real Jane had really gone to the house, simply announcing herself, killed her husband and walked out. Amazing. And she wasn't the little bit feeling guilty, she even thought it was not at all fair that she should be caught, she was very upset about it :-) She thought her plan was very intelligent, she was proud of it.

ITA se morisse mio marito

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