domenica 23 novembre 2014

Into Darkness - Star Trek - 2013

Or new-Star Trek 2. I love it. Of course I love it. It's great as a new movie but it also has many reminders to the old "ST2" movie. "The needs of the many outweigh the need of the few" is the obvious one, but there are other little things I'll say later :-p Other good things in this movie: There's Benedict Cumberbatch (Khan) in his coolest look, (although my favourite remains Sherlock's), so cool that when he's running he grabs a cool coat that served no purpose at all, since Spock was there to see him, but it was really, reeeally cool :-D  and there's also Noel Clarke from Dr.Who :-) here in a small but touching role, where he's forced to become a suicide bomber to save his daughter's life.
There's an impulsive Kirk (Chris Pine), who sees a beast and immediately shoot him, poor thing, without thinking twice about it. It actually was a sort of local horse, they should have used it for transport, but at least he's only stunned, not killed, the poor innocent beast. There's Uhura(Zoe Saldana), so adorable when she worries about Spock :-D There's Pike (Bruce Greenwood) angry at Kirk with good reasons. There the usual Bones (Karl Urban)  :lol: "Damn it man, I'm a doctor, not a torpedo technician" :lol:
A bit of plot. Someone (:-D) wanted a war between the Federation and the Klingon, and used Khan for this purpose. Not knowing this, but only knowing that Khan attacked them and also killed Pine, Kirk goes on a revenge mission. Khan informs him of the big picture, and also of all his crewmen he smuggled on board. They try to stop the war plan together, but of course Khan then betrays them, and they go after him. :-)
At Khan's attack there are the usual things: Kirk is damn lucky, all the time standing in front of the window and never getting hit, and all the guards are there simply to get killed, never accomplishing anything, only functining as targets.
In London, Khan orchestrated things to have Section 31 blown up, and now he's on Kronos. Kirk is out of his mind with his want for revenge, so much that he fights with Scotty (Simon Pegg) and lets him go. Scotty was right, though. Now Chekov (Anton Yelchin) is the new chief engineer, and when he's told to put on the red uniform I laughed "no, the red uniform no, poor Chekov" :lol: but of course he's one of the main characters, so it's safe for him :lol:
Uhura started a fight with Spock in front of Kirk, angry because in the last mission he should have died, and she accuses him of not caring, about dying, about how she would feel if he died, of never feeling anything. For the first time I was a bit angry at Uhura, she was not fair, she already forgot about movie 1? But I suppose that it's kind of right too, because she almost lost him and she was out of herself. "You misunderstand. It is true I chose not to feel anything upon realizing my own life was ending. As Admiral Pike was dying, I joined with his consciousness and experienced what he felt at the moment of his passing. Anger. Confusion. Loneliness. Fear. I had experiences those feelings before, multiplied exponentially on the day my planet was destroyed. Such a feeling is something I choose never to experience again."which is understandable, isn't it? "Nyota, you mistake my choice not to feel as a reflection of my not caring. Well, I assure you, the truth is precisely the opposite" awww And later she gives him a little kiss before letting him go on his duties :-) No need for big words between them. That's enough, isn't it? :-)
It was fun to hear that the pretty blonde is friends with Christine Chapel :-) You mean Kirk hitted on her too, huh? So now he has a bad reputation, huh? Good, remember that, girl!
We meet the strangest Klingons, all piercing and no hair. We watch Khan defeating them all, then he asks with how many torpedoes he's been threatened: 72 "then I surrender" :lol: everybody was like What???
My name is Khan. I am better
At what?
:lol: he's cool, isn't he? So cool. Not too different from our Sherlock, then :lol:
"he used my friends to control me" and a tear on his face! But of course, if you don't blink for 40 seconds (I checked) you're bound to have a tear on your cheek as soon as you do.
Scotty was funny too " This door is very wee. I mean, you know, small" :lol: adorably scottish Scotty :lol: "it's gonna be like jumping out of a moving car, off a bridge, into your shot glass" and Kirk "it's okay, I've done it before" :lol: true, we saw him :lol: And when Scotty sees how much the ship is damaged "One day I've been off this ship. One bloody day" :lol:
I was also happy to see Spock again, I mean the real Spock, Leonard Nimoy. There's already a New Vulcan, and he's there. "as you know I have made a vow never to give you informatin that could potentially alter your destiny. Your path is yours to walk, and yours alone. That being said, Khan Noonien Sing is the most dangerous adversary the Enterprise ever faced. He is brilliant, ruthless ad he will not hesitate to kill every single one of you."
"Did you defeat him"
"At great cost. Yes."  awww great cost indeed, Spock died :-(
This time, their roles are reversed. Spock is dealing with Khan, and Kirk is the one finding himself in the position to save the ship sacrificing himself, dying of radiation. When the ship is out of danger, well sort of, Spock knows there is no such thing as a miracle, and when he's urgently called in the engine room he runs there, to find Kirk dying. As it happened in the original Star Trek 2, they are divided by glass.
K: "you used what he wanted against him"
S: "it is what you would have done"
K: "and this, this is what you would have done. It was only logical"
True, the real Spock did it, and that's how he died!
I liked the fact that when Kirk was punching Khan he didn't feel anything, but when it's Spock it's a different story!! It always annoyed me that they often forgot that Vulcans are stronger. Anyway, as he said Khan is better (well, he's been genetically altered...) and he was about to win, but Uhura comes to help her boyfriend and stuns him seven times!! It still wouldn't have been enough to put him ko, but it was enough for Spock to stand up again and beat the hell out of him. He stopped only because Uhura told him that Khan's blood could save Kirk. Of course, we knew that. That's also what the Tribble was for, so Bones could find it out.
So now, with Spock saying "you are welcome Jim" their friendship is consolidated. This is the first time he called him Jim, isn't it?!? At the end there's the "five year mission" wording that was at the beginning of the original series' theme. Bones "Five years in space. God help me" :lol: Poor Bones, he gets seasick :lol:
Another funny thing. In the specials there's an interview with Benedict, and he says his role was top secret, nobody had to know, and it made me laugh. For how long Trek fans had been discussing this before actually seeing the movie? Will Ben play Khan?? :lol:, then, a first trailer came out, with him talking, and nobody had any doubt any more. We were all sure there was gonna be Khan :lol: and I would have been very disappointed otherwise!
In this movie there was also Sulu (John Cho) of course, and admiral Marcus was played by a great Peter Weller, and Alice Eve was Carol.
I found on the internet that someone considers an error the fact that Scotty could successfully stun Khan with one single shot on the ship, yet during the fight he wasn't completely stunned after Uhura shot him 7 times, but I don't think so. I think Khan was playing them, and in fact he got up when nobody expected him to and took them by surprise.

this is the movie that starts with that white race and Spock stopping their vulcano from destroying their world, and to save Spock's life they let those people see the ship.
Kirk lied on his report, Spock didn't, and Pine is very angry at him, saying a lot of true things that Kirk resents but it's about time that someone speaks the truth to his face. He's demoted because he lied, because he counts on his luck too much, because he has no respect at all... all true things you know.

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