martedì 11 novembre 2014

Murder, she wrote - season 2

ep 1 - Widow, weep for me - The beginning is funny, with Jessica posing as an arrogant rich lady. Her dear friend Antoinette had wrote her a letter asking for help, just before being murdered, and she came undercover to investigate. :lol: There are many possibilities, like the girl she gave up years ago for adoption or the playboy trying to marry her for her fortune, but the truth is that the hotel security man stole Antoinette's jewels. There's a character, Michael, who is a sort of British secret agent: I like him.
At the end, Jessica says goodbye to Veronica and Michael, with promises to keep in touch. :-)
In the opening credits, I saw the names Cyd Charisse and Mel Ferrer that I thought I knew, but I didn't recognise them...
ep 2 - Joshua Peabody died here... possibly - Some people want to build a new Hotel at Cabot Cove, and during the protest some skeleton remains are  found. Sheriff Amos (Tom Bosley) wants them to be Joshua Peabody's, because Joshua Peabody is a Cabot Cove history myth that he likes and believes in. Another day in the same spot is found the body of a man freshly killed.  He was a rich man that put on constructions for years, saving money on precautions and secutiry measures, costing the lives of more than one worker. The sister of one of them, now a journalist, realisisng he always finds someone to bribe to get out of trouble, comes to the conclusion that there's only one way to stop him, and make him pay, and she kills him. There's also the problem of an Fbi agent come to arrest David, but Jessica and Seth take him off the hook, saving him from an old story.
We see here Dr Seth cooking in Jessica's house :-) Curious how she always calls him Seth, while he alternates Jessica and Mrs Fletcher, or even Jess... The two of them talked until midnight in her house. I guess this season he's taken the place of Ethan.
ep 3 - Murder in the afternoon - The writer of a tv soap-opera, hated more or less by everyone, is killed by her husband for the money. Anita, or Nita or something, a young actress of the show, was suspected at first, but of course her aunt Jessica came forward for her :-)
ep 4 - School for scandal - Jessica meets her friends Beryl and Henry; she has been offered an honorary degree at Grenshaw. The man of Daphne, the daughter of Joycelyne, the head of the english department, is killed. Daphne's books had actually been written by her mother, and the dead guy knew it and was blackmailing the two women. A man in love with Joyceline killed him.
It's funny: when policemen don't want Jessica involved, she pushes her way in with all she's got, but when someone asks for her help, she's all "Oh I wouldn't want to interfere.." :lol:
ep 5 - Sing a song of murder - This is the first episode with Emma MacGill, Jessica's cousin!! Emma performs at a theatre, "the one and only Emma MacGill" :-) and she sings "goodbye little yellow bird, I'd gladly mate with you, I love you little yellow bird, but I love my freedom too" :lol: She has a different accent, different hair, everything. Claiming to be dead, she has Jessica coming to London, because someone is trying to kill her, and she wants Jess to help her. A woman will later be killed because they thought it was Emma.
The plot was a bit dull, and so very predictable, obvious really, but I guess that's not why someone watches these episodes, right? It's for the atmosphere and for A. Lansbury, and here it was so funny to see her play Emma :-) I loved it.
ep 6 - Reflections of the mind - In Cincinnati, Ohio. Jessica's friend Francesca seems to be mentally ill. Francesca's daughter Sheryl calls Jess : Aunt Jessica, but I'm not sure as a sort of affectionate nickname or if she's really her niece. I mean, I don't know of any relations between Jess and Francesca aside from friendship. Anyway, the plot was very much textbook here too, it was obvious. The glass-spilling act was clearly crucial, especially followed by her refilling from another bottle...
"The corpse dances at midnight" is mentioned again, and also "The umbrella murders", another one of her  books. :-)
ep 7 - A lady in the lake - Harry (John Astin) drives her to a big house-inn where she planned to stay for a week to write. A woman is then murdered by the cousin and only living relative of her rich husband, to inherit his wealth. The ending was quite funny though, with E. A. Poe's picture falling on the floor at the mention of Jessica being the best mystery writer ! Also, I enjoy episodes at Cabot Cove, with Sheriff Amos (Tom Bosley) and Dr Seth.
ep 8 - Dead heat - Tracey is a jockey, but when there's a murder at the race and she's suspected, it'll be her aunt Jessica duty to help her niece. Funny when that guy offers carrots to her "Carrot, Mrs Fletcher?", she takes one and bites it, then the horse next to her takes a good bite, and she looks at him... I don't know why, but this made me think that my grandma would laugh at this joke :-)
ep 9 - Jessica behind bars - Jessica is inside a female prison for a lesson (!) , and I don't know how prisons are really like, but I wouldn't be so cool about walking among the prisoners without any personnel anywhere on sight! Jessica is walking and talking to one of them as if she was at a normal high school.!
When two women die, Jessica is locked in with them, and forced to help out by finding the real responsibles.
ep 10 - Sticks and stones - Sheriff Amos (Tom Bosley) retires, and appoints Harry (John Astin) in his place. At Cabot Cove, everyone keeps receiving strange, gossiping mail full with lies.
Two women killed, and this time I was really surprised: Harry!?!?!  Easy to believe he started a fire, but really, murdering two women and almost attempting to murder Jessica?? He was completely out of his mind! You never expect it to be a character long known like Harry, although he was never "perfect" ...
ep 11 - Murder digs deep - In New Mexico, at an archeological site, Dr Seth is there as an amateur archeologist, and after he invited her, Jessica went there for research. In this ep there's Robert Vaughn playing Mr. Gideon Armstrong.
ep 12 - Murder by appointment only - Grady Fletcher is showing his aunt Jessica around at the Lilalee Cosmetics Convention, where he hopes to find a job. Mr Anderson's girlfriend was once Mrs Fletcher's student, and he killed her because she was still seeing another man.
ep 13 - Trial by error - Mrs Fletcher is the foreman of the jury in a murder case. She wants to go over the facts again, and after some time she leads them to what really happened. He was not guilty of what he was being charged there, but was guilty of another murder, because his wife's death was no accident!
ep 14 - Keep the home fries burning - Amos (Tom Bosley) is still the sheriff. Amos, Jessica and Dr Seth are eating breakfast together at the "Joshua Peabody Inn". Outside, some of the people that ate there start getting sic,, and a woman dies, but it wasn't food poisoning, it was murder, a woman had poisoned the food.
Who is that actor playing her husband?I can't remember where I saw him...
ep 15 - Powder keg - Jessica is at Roper County for a seminar.
I didn't like this ep much, so full of stupid people ready to lynch a boy just on a suspicion, although of course they won't admit to any doubt. Idiots like those, they are always sure of everything, they "know" everything, because of course they are idiots and really know nothing!
Everything is so 80s... Not only girls' hair and pants, but also boys and men attitudes, words!
ep 16 - Murder in the electric cathedral - Carrie was Jessica's teacher, and told her to stop by if she was ever to pass through Okhlahoma, so she did! For 30 years they haven't seen each other, and now here she is :-) people must be careful about what they tell her :-)
There was a reverend Willy Joe Fargo was her friend and she left him everything... but it turns out that she wasn't killed for the money, and that it wasn't him! It appears he really is a good man, not interested in money: how surprising, really!
ep 17 - One good bid deserves a murder - Jessica is asked by her friend movie star Richard Bennet to go to a auction and buy the personal diary of a famous Evangeline, now dead. A lot of people want that diary for the scandals in it. Richard is found dead and Jessica still had his million-dollars-check in her purse. Harry McGraw (Jerry Orbach) is there when she's taken in as a suspect and wants to help her out, but she keeps poking around, and when Mr Radford of the auction house is killed she's found by the police with the diary in her hands, near the body. Still, they let her go: "if murder were a disease, you'd be contagious" :lol: finally someone said it!!! - A former lover of Evangeline killed her first (it wasn't suicide), then killed Richard because he recognised him and then mr Radford because he wouldn't tell him where he put the diary. At the end, Jessica destroys like Richard wanted.
ep 18 - If a body meet a body - At Cabot Cove, Jessica, Dr Seth and Sheriff Amos (Tom Bosley) are at Henry Vernon's funeral, but in his coffin is found another man's body. Amos is a bit bothered that everybody in town thinks Jessica solved ALL his cases, so wants to solve this one alone while she tries to finish her book, but Henry turns out killed, then the town's money are stolen, then someone takes away the John Doe's body. Amos:"first a missing man is dead, then a dead man is missing" :lol:     The wife killed Henry after he buried John Doe, then she tried to frame his mistress by putting the body in her house.
ep 19 - Christopher Bundy-died on Sunday - Because of her nephew Grady, Jessica's first short story will be published on an erotic magazine, so Grady taker his aunt Jessica to this publisher's house to prevent it, and he invites her to stay, before getting murdered in the house. Funny how she stays in the house even after that; he invited her, now he's dead, she has no more business being in the house, but she stays anyway. I was not surprised when finally the new owner of the house kicked her out; still, before going, she has the time to have the right killer incriminated. By the way, I think Grady really took something from her, since his employers always seem to turn up either killed or killers...
ep 20 - Menace, anyone? - Carol is Jessica's former student, and ten years ago she won at tennis at Cabot Cove, now she works here, at the JB Fletcher children's Fund tennis tournament at the Gren River Raquet club. Carol's car explodes, with Brian in it, her fiancèe. Her sister Barbara, that everyone believes died three years ago, turns up at the police station saying a girl robbed her and took her place on the plane that crashed, and she took the opportunity to disappear, and start over: police lets her go, like this was not a crime. What about the girl that died without a name, without anyone knowing??? Anyway, a jealous girl planted the bomb to kill Carol, then tried again at her house but this time killed a Lt. of Boston police. Her father tried to protect her, but couldn't. Jessica was there...
ep 21 - The perfect foil - On her way to Houston, Jessica stops at New Orleans to check on Cal, her second cousin once removed on Frank's side...  "I'm Jessica, your cousin from Maine. My husband Frank' uncle was your father's cousin, or was it nephew? I'm not quite sure" now I understand how come she's got so many relatives...  Cal is accused of Johnnie's murder: it happened during a Mardi Gras costume-party, but it was someone else. Barbara Babcock plays Rosalyn, congressman Gardner's wife.
ep 22 - If the frame fits - Jesisca is visiting her wanna-be-author friend Lloyd. When his daughter is killed, Lloyd destroyed the evidence believing the thief had killed her, and changed everything in order to frame his son-in-law Donald. Funny thing, it actually was him that did it. :-) The thief never harmed anyone: it was Binky, the quite dandy art-thief :-) played by John De Lancie, Star Trek's Q :-)

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