Missing episode 14.
This season was sillier than the first. It had funny moments though. Easy to watch.
1. Anthropology 101.
It’s the new fall semester and they all meet again for their study group: anthropology, since they all passed Spanish. Britta hates how everyone’s staring at her, until some girls asks for her autograph after saying she’s the coolest for how she talked from her heart. Jeff feels she also embarrassed him, not just herself. He also already told Annie that their kiss was a mistake and nobody must know about it or he’ll be flailed alive.
Chang follows their anthropology class too, he’s a student now. Their teacher June Bauer uses a blowgun to shoot star.
Jeff is treated unkindly by the females while Britta enjoys her popularity. So he tells her he loves her in class and she can’t say no, she has to say yes so they start, very reluctantly, a sort of relationship. Once the group is together, the others talk about marriage, so the Christian gossip queen tells the others that they had sex on that very table, and then Annie punches him telling everyone that he kissed her, then Britta admits she never loved him and everyone starts fighting. So in class he starts a new speech about the most important thing being respect amongst people, and Bauer attacks him; he ends up in the infirmary, Bauer got suspended and they all got an A on the assignment. Chang admits he wants to join the group.
2. Accounting for lawyers.
Jeff sees Alan Connor at school and skips a class to talk to him. They used to work together as lawyers. The group doesn’t like this Alan because Jeff is different with him; Jeff doesn’t even seem to care when Annie tells him that she met him at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting, and Alan said he wrote an email that got a collegue fired. They all go to the lawyers part, but Jeff doesn’t care about that. Chang is left alone at the breakdance competition and when they lose they say he can’t join the study group.
3. The psychology of letting go.
Britta and Annie raise money for an environment campaign and Annie raises more money acting all girly, and Britta is upset and they fight. Troy is shocked because he saw Pierce’s mom dead, but Pierce is not upsed because his cult says that she’ll be vaporized and one day she’ll be back. Jeff is upset because his blood test says his cholesterol is a bit high. Duncan is the anthropology substitute teacher even though he knows nothing about it.
4. Basic rocket science.
Greendale is al always competing with the City College and the Dean wants to beat them at a simulator project. Annie thought about transferring there, and to be accepted she agreed to sabotage their plan. The ‘bus’ they were supposed to clean gets towed away with them inside, but then they work together and Annie drives it back and they’re on time. It’s all quite silly.
5. Messianic myths and ancient peoples.
Shirley is obsessed with God and rather upset that a video with people farting has millions of viewers, but in her church there were less than a dozen people, so she wants to make a film to appeal to young people. Abed refuses at first, then starts his big project “the story of the story is the story”, a movie about making a movie but he’s himself Jesus… he’s rather cool, walking around with an open shirt and long hair, shooting his film with Chang at the camera. Shirley tries everything to make him stop, until Abed has finished shooting and realises it’s terrible. He prays to God (even though he’s Muslim) to do something: Shirley hears him and breaks stuff. In exchange, Abed shoots her video.
Pierce starts spending time with Leonard and the other old people, and it’s up to Jeff to collect him when he ends up in … what? Jail? Detention? Whatever…
6. Epidemiology.
Halloween. Jeff’s costume is David Beckham. Britta is a T-Rex, the Dean is Lady Gaga, looking good. Annie is Red Riding Hood. Pierce is Scotty from Star Trek TOS, Troy is … some sort of robocop. Rich from the pottery class is a banana. Abed is…I thought he was Alien because of his behaviour, but no, it was a helmet. I guess he’s a sort-of villain that the sort-of robocop has to fight.
The Dean used old military rations or something. People start getting sick and zombie-like and attack others. First Pierce, then Rich and Britta, then Annie. Shirley’s costume is Glinda the Good Witch, but only Chang understands that. Chang is Peggy Flaming, the figure skating champion. They kiss and much more, but they’re taken too at some point.
There’s a screeching cat flying around, and Fred is taken next. Then Abed. Troy escaped, only to go back in and get bitten. The army arrives and sprays them all to make them forget. The narrator voice is George Takei. :)
7. Aerodynamics of gender.
The girls join “a women’s studies class” : “Feminist representations in media” and Abed decides to join. Troy beats Jeff at basketball. Jeff is a sore loser. They find a peaceful garden with a trampoline. Pierce spies on them, and so he finds the garden, but he hurt himself on the trampoline and reveal its existence to everyone so it’s taken away.
The girls are bullied by three gilrs and love it when Abed insults them and they unleash him on other women, until they become bullies too and he insults them too. He realises he’s gone too far in trying to fit in, so he gives Megan a script to put things right. She ‘insults him’ and he says nothing, and our three girls see it all and go back to him.
8. Cooperative calligraphy.
There’s a puppy parade, but they are all locked in the library looking for a pen because Annie got mad that someone keeps stealing her pen, so they go crazy throwing accuses all around. The pen is not found (and we find out it’s a little monkey) but they make up of course. We do see a couple of puppies at the end, but not many.
9. Conspiracy theories and interior design.
Jeff made a whole class up to get credits without doing anything. The Dean finds out so it starts another silly act. A theatre guy played the fake professor and Annie wanted to teach Jeff not to do that cheating stuff, and in the end everybody shoots everybody with prop guns.
Abed and Troy build a Fluffy Fort made of blankets, then ohters get involved and it becomes so big everyone is under it and it ends up in the papers.
10. Mixology certification.
Troy turns 21, so the only one now who can’t drink is Annie who is only 19. Britta gives her a fake ID who belonged to someone else. She spends the night pretending to be someone else. Britta and Jeff drink all night and then kiss. Shirley spends it taking away all drunk pictures of herself off the walls. Pierce can’t even enter because his wheelchair’s batteries are down. Abed meets a man who hits on him but he ignnores that fact because he likes to talk of a tv show: the guy throws a drink in his face.
When Troy sees what they’ve all become, he takes them home.
11. Abed’s uncontrollable Christmas.
All characters are stop-motion animated. Abed is the only one that sees it, until he can find the meaning of Christmas. Duncan and the group want to help him. It’s December 9 and every year his divorced mother would come to stay with him but this year she only sent a card saying she’s got a new family now and he’s grown-up anyway. How sad.
12. Asian population studies.
Back after the Christmas break. Shirley says she’s back with her ex-husband becausse he apologised. Troy tells Pierce about Chang and Shirley. Annie’s got a crush on Rich. Shirley is also pregnant, 8 weeks, which brings her back to Halloween. Of course she doesn’t remember it. Jeff doesn’t want Rich in the group so he gets Chang in the group instead. Pierce tells everyone of Chang and Shirley while her husband is present. Still, he doesn’t take it bad, says it’s his fault for leaving her, sort of, and that he’ll raise the baby anyway. Annie asks Rich out but he says no because she’s too young. Jeff asks Rich to teach him how to be that good.
13. Celebrity pharmacology.
There’s a show at Greendale on Drug Awareness; Annie directs the group into making a video. Pierce follows Annie home and after seeing she has no money because her mother cut ehr off he writes her a cheque, then he starts making demands on having a more active role. He always talks about the commercial he did when he was a child, and we see that actually his father did not wanat him and had another child play his part. Pierce destroys the show and the message until the truth comes out but Chang savves the day making the kids hate drugs.
14. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.
15. Early 21st Century Romanticism.
Britta is friends with a girl she thinks is a lesbian, but Annie finds out from another girl that Page is not lesbian, but thinks that Britta is. Britta and Page are no longer friends after the truth comes out.
Pierce keeps taking painkillers. Duncan invites himself to watch a game with Jeff, then Chang follows them and invites lots of people at Jeff’s house. Troy and Abed both like the new librarian so they ask her to the Valentine’s Ball and ask her to choose. When she chooses Troy, he feels bad for Abed and stops liking her because she thinks Abed’s weird. Chang got kicked out since his wife learned about Shirley so he has no place to stay, so he lets him sleep there along with Duncan.
16. Intermediate documentary filmmaking.
The pills send Pierce to the infirmary, and he wants the group to feel bad for him and… everyone else. He gives Shirley a cd with all the others said about her behind her back; to Britta a 10.000$ cheque with no name on it, for her to decide if she wants to put her name or some charity; Jeff knows what he’s doing and listens to what kind of vengeance he came up for him: Pierce says he’s found Jeff’s father and the man is coming to the hospital, but Jeff doesn’t believe him. LeVar Burton appears for Troy because Troy worships him but never actually wanted to meet him and now he doesn’t know what to say. Annie receives a tiara because she’s his favouriet.
Burton asks him questions and he doesn’t say a word. Abed is filming a documentary and Britta hates herself because she thinks that without the camera she would not have donated the money to the Red Cross, until Burton makes her feel better. Britta forces Shirley to listen to that cd and there’s no insult there. Jeff’s dad of course does not come and the group has to stop Jeff from beating him up.
17. Intro to political science.
Vice-President Joe Biden will come to visit Greendale so they need to vote for the President of the students. Annie makes a big deal out of it so Jeff runs too, against her. The debate sees: Annie against Jeff, Magnitude, Pierce, Leonard, Vicki and Star-Burns. When Vicki leaves, Pierce does too. There’s a secret agent who sort of speaks like Abed and likes him and sort of hopes he might be a threat so she’d see him more. Annie shows an old video of Jeff then feels bad about it and nobody wins because seven people out of eleven vote south park.
18. Custody law and Eastern European diplomacy.
Troy and Abed have a new friend: Lukka, and do not want Britta to have sex with him and ruin their friendship like she did many times before. Britta finds out that Lukka misses the fights in the Balkans so she calls him a war criminal to the boys.
Shirley wants Chang to sign to forfeit any parental rights. He’sout of his mid, he wants to become a good dad so he briings home two kids that he thinks are Shirley’s sons but aren’t. He tries to have Jeff arrested but he is instead.
19. Critical film studies.
It’s Abed’s birthday and Jeff organised a part for him but Abed planned a dinner ony with Jeff to recreate a movie scene. At the end they have the party at the restaurant. Nice ep, there’s Abed smiling and playing the normal-guy role.
20. Competitive wine tasting.
Jeff attends a class on Italian wine with Pierce and Chang. Britta and Troy the theatre class. A Chinese girl who turned down Jeff accepts to marry Pierce instead. She thinks he’s a beautiful, wise man. She already has citizenship and money so Jeff researches her and finds out that she has a company and wanted to fuse it with Pierce wipes company. They break up until Jeff feels bad and brings them together again. Abed outclasses his own teacher.
21. Paradigms of human memory.
The group sees the little monkey and find all the things she stole. They remember all the things that happened that year. It comes out that Jeff and Britta have been occasionally and secretly having sex and also all the time they acted badly towards the group so they reply with all the things they did. They start fighting and showing unknows clips of things that happened and we didn’t see. Then they finish their diorama, hug and leave.
22. Applied anthropology and culinary arts.
Duncan is still teaching anthropology by drinking, not teaching anything and giving all As. When the Dean arrives with a reporter Duncan flees not knowing what to do. Then Shirley’s waters broke and they can’t take her to the hospital. Abed is the only one who knows what to do and Chang tells her stories to calm her down. The baby is blackbut Shirley wants to call him Ben. Ben Bennett.
23. A fistful of paintballs.
It’s paintball again with a prize of 100.000$. It’s all Fistful of Dollars style. Abed has the poncho. Pierce created Fort Hawthorne where everyone but his guard is without ewapons. Pierce offersan alliance but gives them empty guns. Annie is upset. The ice-cream company offering the prize pays people to win.
24. For a few paintballs more.
It turns out the ice-cream company is fake, it’s a plan of Stephen, Dean of the City College, to destroy the school. Star Wars style City College has invaded the campus, Pierce has been kicked out of the study group. Abed plays Han Solo. Annie likes him as Han and they kiss. Pierce wins and gives the money to Greendale. He’s accepted back but he says he’s done with them.
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