martedì 28 gennaio 2025

Community season 6

 This is when Shirley is gone, Jeff and Annie try to keep the school running, the Dean comes out as a Politician, Chang becomes famous then ruins it, Britta gets a job and the show ends.

1. Ladders.

One of the problems Annie and the Committee had to solve got lost and not done. The roof was full of frisbees, decades of frisbees that now break the roof and flood the school… Shirley moved to Atlanta to care for her dad, and the Dean introduces Francesca to the group. She’s there to put things right and does a lot of work quickly… at first, then all she does is write and read emails from a certain Diane, they stumbled a bit there. She’s not wrong, Britta burns all the sandwiches so they sell none, Jeff keeps drinking all the time… and then they sort of open an underground club where everybody drinks. When Frankie finds out about it, she leaves and the whole campus drinks all the time. Jeff is smug about it until Annie is hurt by a drunk teacher falling off ladders… there arae also lots of bills and stuff so they run to Frankie to apologise, and ask for her to come back. Now she gives the group stuff to do.

2. Lawnmower maintenance and postnatal care.

Britta is homeless so she’ll go live with Abed and Annie. She’s mad because her parents have been helping her fiinancially wrough her friends without her knowing it. All her friends like her parents, and would not have been able to help Britta all this time without them. The Dean buys a virtual reality system for 5000$ and Jeff and Frankie need to give it back. The Dean loves it though. Jeff gets the refund. Britta talks to Frankie and goes back home.

3. Basic crisis room decorum.

Annie learns during the night that the City College has made a derogatory ad against Greendale because it gave a degree to a dog. There are files on all classes attended by Ruffles, but no degreee. Annie is upset thinking it’s a bad school so they shoot a counter-ad meaning everyone is accepted.

4. Queer studies and advanced waxing.

The two school board guys offer the Dean a place in the board if he is openly gay. Annie and Chang get a part as Karate-kid and Miyagi: the guy is horrible to Chang, truly, but only because he thinks he can do better. Annie thought she was a talent but is fired without a second thought. Abed doesn’t want the wifi repaired until a “nest of baby birds can grow”, the Dean approves, but is forced to do something. One out of three birds survives… for a while. The Dean has a man pretending to be his boyfriend. At the end, he comes out as “a politician”. 

Chang is great in the show. 

5. Laws of robotics and party rights.

To get the school lots of money, a group of prisoners will attend school through video-attendance. A convict for murder, Willy, is a bad guy and against Jeff. When Jeff snaps, the Dean suspends him. Britta wants a party even if she just moved in. Annie said no, so Britta convinced Abed to make a film of it, and regrets it a lot. Jeff goes back into the Dean’s good graces, but the deal is off, so no money.

6. Basic email security.

The school has been hacked, demanding they cancel a show of a racist comedian. Britta uses some long and insufferable speech to convince everyone to go against the hackers and let the comedian perform. The hackers leak the group’s emails. The group fights a lot. The hackers then release all the school data, everything on everyone. It turns out it was a little kid.

7. Advanced safety features.

Ex-Subway, not Rick, is back. There’s a “dramatic rise in Guerilla marketing” as Frankie puts it. Now Rick secretly sells for Honda. To stay with Rick, Britta starts working with him to sell Honda cars. Elroy stays with them but goes away as soon as Jeff arrives. Britta and Rick have a fight, then he says he’ll  leave his job for her… but doesn’t resist and tries again to sell stuff to the Dean, and is ‘arrested’. Frankie asks what had Troy that was so special. Well, for one, Troy and Abed were funnier than Annie and Abed. They are cute, but not as funny. Elroj speaks to Julie, the singer of ‘Natalie is freezing’ about their story that ended twenty years before.

8. Intro to recycled cinema.

Chang is famous for a commercial he did. Abed has some scene he shot with Chang, and they force him to finish it and to make it a science-fiction film. They insist and Abed accepts but insists in making something good. They want something fast and it’s horrible but they do it. Still, not too useful since Chang ruins everything as usual and is back at school, with the group as if nothing happened. 

9. Grifting 101.

Threre’s a grifting class, which means to con people. Everyone but Jeff goes. They all buy suitcases and he tries to have them buy more. It was stupid of them to buy the first one! Jeff knew it. No the guy shares Jeff’s office and they do not get along because the guy Roger is so full of himself… Jeff too, sure, but Jeff is the protagonist so he can…

So the group decides to ‘grift him’. Jeff has no plan though. Everyone relies on Jeff. They watch ‘The Sting’. Roger comes ot mock them. Britta punches him and chases him, Roger falls hurting himself so the school gives him 50.000$. He planned it with Britta who got the others onboard; she distracts him and switch suitcases taking the money away. In the end, in front of our usual cop (here for a macrame class) he has to admit he was ‘grifted’ so he goes away, no money, no teaching class.

10. Baisc RV repair and palmistry.

Elroy drives his camper with everyone on board, but they run out of gas. He accepted to carry a giant hand on the roof of his van. They’re now stranded on a place somewhere. They fight because the Dean never admits his mistakes. The only one he talks to is Abed, of course. Jeff slaps Abed but Frankie talks to him the right way, so Abed saves the general harmony. We don’t know how they make it back, I guess they’ll just wait until someone is free to tow them somewhere. 

11. Modern espionage.

Vcki sings :) There’s another paitball game in the car park. Since it’s banned now, the school does it secretly. Frankie is firmly against it. There’s a mysterious Silver Man. There’s a paintball war and they all shoot each other. I don’t think the Silver Man is found…

12. Wedding videography.

Stacey accepts to marry Garrett. Annie, Britta and Frankie meet to talk and prepare for the wedding. Todd marries them. Garrett’s mom scolds them about disrupting the ceremony (she’s right). During Jeff’s speech, it comes out they were cousins: her grandma and his great-aunt are the same person. Nobody knew it. The two families want an annulment but for once Chang does a good speech and they end up staying together.. then a man says he wrote this episode on incesst… but they were only cousins, who didn’t even know it… cocme on, this is no Game of Thrones, it’s not that scandalous.

13. Emotional consequences of Broadcast television.

Last day, Annie got the internship at FBI. The group share suggestions on whata they could do on a season 7. Abed got a job or something, so he’s moving away. Jeff feels bad about it all changing and him staying put… but then he puts another group together, and pronounce them a community: Brianna the driven idealist, Kaylee the fiery one, MacKenzie the nerdy one and Hallie, the other nerdy one, plus Phoebe the wise one/nerd n.3. All women. And after that group another one will come…

Abed and Annie leave and they all hug them: Dean, Jeff, Chang and Frankie can hang out at Britta’s bar.

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