lunedì 27 gennaio 2025

Community season 5

This is when Pierce is dead, Jeff is a teacher, Troy leaves, Abed is dating Rachel, and there’s someone hidden under the school.

1. Repilot.

Jeff works alone now, didn’t go to his old firm or anything like that. He has nothing. Alan comes with a new case: a bridge collapsed and its engineer is sueing Greendale for giving him that degree. Alan wants everything Greendale has on that Marvis; Jeff goes to Greendale but when the Dean ses him he thinks Jeff came to save him. The archives are in their old study room, since none of the group is there anymore. The Dean immediately called Abed (for whatever reason) and he called all the others. The Dean destroyed all documents on Marvis because he knows that the school is at fault. Well, we all know that this school gives no real education, they had fun but they could have me at any club). Jeff thinks he might get the group to sue the school instead: none of them got a job, and Shirley put all her money on her “Shirley’s sandwiches” dream and her whole family left her. The five of them (Abed, Troy, Britta, Annie and Shirley) want to enroll again. Chang is sleeping right there, he went to prison for faking the amnesia (???) and has no home. So he’s been hired as a Maths teacher, even if he does not know Maths. 

Jeff ‘beats’ Alan with Alan’s own tie, then talks to the group. They sign the paper he shows them, but repeata the choice is not theirs but his. Outside Jeff sees a hologram of Pierce (??) and he changes his mind. He goes to the Dean: “these are the signatures of the five people that are crazy enough to care about this toilet. And tonight I almost go them to sue it. Heed the warning.” - “It’s not easy being Dean, Jeffrey” - “Then stop being the Dean!” . The Dean asks for his help but can’t pay him for that so instead he hires him as a law teacher.

2. Introduction to teaching.

Jeff hates being a teacher and does not know what to teach since he never actually went to law school. Annie joins his class to see if he takes it seriously. He doesn’t, really.

Abed joins a class: “Nicholas Cage: good or bad?”. The teacher, Dramatic professor Sean Garrity, knows of Abed: “Mr Nadir drove our tv studies professor out of his mind by proving that there was an answer to the question Who’s the boss?”. Garrity tells Abed that this time there is no answer, to watch five movies as  assignment and to “be careful”. Abed doesn’t accept that easily, he goes crazy to solve that. He goes insane, like sexy-cat-on-the-teacher’s-desk crazy. He almost throws away all his movies before talking to Shirley.

3. Basic intergluteal numismatics.

This episode sees “ass crack bandit” an unknown someone who… drops coins down people’s pants? Annie and Jeff investigate, and it tuns out Star-Burns faked his death but he’s not this bandit. A the end things stop, for whatever reason, but it’s not clear who it was. Not to me anyway. Shirley says that Pierce is dead.

4. Cooperative polygraphy.

They went to Pierce’s funeral. Then Pierce’s lawyer says that by Pierce’s will they are all suspected of murdering him and must pass a polygraph. There’s a lot of confessions, shouting, and then Pierce leaves an ipod to Britta, a house or something to Shirley, a tiara to Annie, and also sperm to anyone… also he leaves millions to Troy if he goes on a solitary boat journey around the world.

5. Geothermal escapism.

To say goodbye to Troy, Abed has everyone play a game of Hot Lava giving as prize something worth 50.000$. It’s all crazy, and at the end the truth is that Abed sees real lava on the floor because he can’t let Troy go. So he lets himself go into the lava and ‘dies’, and so, knowing how Abed is, Britta and Troy come up with the idea of ‘cloning’ him, so he can come back. Troy leaves, and LeVar Burton will be with him on the boat.

6. Analysis of cork-based networking.

After Doctor Who now it’s Games of Thrones’ turn with this fantasy show “Bloodlines of conquest”. 

Annie tries to repair Greendale but it’s absurd.

7. Bondage and beta male sexuality.

Duncan wants Britta so he asks for Jeff’s advice. Abed misses Troy. Professor Hickey punishes Abed for ruining his drawings by handcuffing him to his office. Abed acts ok for a while but loses it when it’s too late to go watchi his movie. Anyway, he comes back to maybe work together on something. Britta’s old friends make her feel bad but Duncan doesn’t take advantage, he takes her home and comes back to have a drink with Jeff. 


8. App development and condiments.

The group now meets for the “save Greendale committee”. Two guys will test their new app at Greendale, as beta test. It’s simply an app where everyone rates everyone else. Soon there are no people anymore, only numbers, where 5s are masters, and 2s are like servants, and Shirley is a 5 from the start because, as Jeff says, she likes to manipulate people. Jeff signs up only to become a 5 and confront her. Abed was comfortable as a normal 3 but was soon made a 5. Britta tries to wake everyone up and to make people listen to her she smears mustard on her face. Because it works. So the people strip all 5s of their grade, back to 1, until Jeff tells everyone that the only one who won is the app, on sale with 5 stars, and that they should delete it.

9. VCR maintenance and educational publishing.

Abed is still with Rachel… only a month? Abed says they’ve been dating a month… I would have thought much more, maybe it took them a while to call it dating…

Annie’s brother comes to visit: he’s a bit slow but a good guy. Still, Abed finds him weird and when she suggests he should come live with them, Abed wants Rachel instead and they play a game to decide, without asking either of them first. Both Annie and Abed are very competitive, while Anthony and Rachel stay there, not understanding what’s going on. When it comes out, Rachel storms out. Jeff, Hickey and Shirley find a lot of brand new textbooks and decide to sell them, and call Britta to arrange a sale. Chang enters the place by chance and when they threaten him Jeff changes his mind and wants to leave, so they’re both tied up. Then Shirley ties up Britta and Hickey too, then it turns out there’s a fault in the books and can’t be sold. Anthony goes away too.

10. Advanced advanced Dungeons & Dragons.

The group plans a game of D&D to bring together Hickey and his son. The guy is very hostile, and knows what they’re doing, and doesn’t care for it.So his father challenges: if he wins the game they’ll see each other (or at least he’ll get to see his grandson), if the son Hank wins they won’t. (The teacher also has another son, gay Furio, but they do see each other so things are alright there). They are in two separate room: Hickey father is in one with Annie, Shirley and Jeff. In the other room there’s Hank with the Dean, Chang and Britta… of course Abed is the Dungeon Master. Incredibly, it’s thanks to the Dean’s persistence in being reunited with Jeff that the two groups meet again and are therefore in the same room. They fight themselves, and all their characters die but father and son. The two of them keep playing, and so they keep arguing and so talking. Everyone goes out but Abed.

11. G.I. Jeff - Government isssue Jeff.

They are all American-style cartoons, in a sort of GI Joe adventure where Jeff is the only one that kills for real (only Duncan looks like Duncan). It’s all because Jeff is in a coma and imagining it all. It’s his birthday, he turns 40 and he doesn’t want to grow old, so he bought some Korean pills somewhere that should keep him (or turn him back, not sure) young, and he took them with alcohol… he wakes up only when he realises that cartoons like that do not have sex or drink alcohol.

12. Basic story.

The “Sane Greendale Committee” think they’ve been fairly done and accomplished, when a new crisis arrives: “an insurance appraiser is coming tomorrow to inspect the school”. Jeff wants to do nothing because the school is good. He’s right, the inspection goes well, but at this point the two guys want to sell the place (who the hell are they exactly? Financers?) They want to sell it to Subway. Abed finds a hidden scroll right when Jeff and Britta had decided to get married to give their whole story a meaning… yeah, anyway. The Dean is happy about this hidden-treasure thing.

13. Basic sandwich.

A weird but rich man owned the property before he disappeared. The town took it and made it what it is now. There is a hidden trapdoor leading to his old lab, where the man is still alive because he had fod for 50 years. He is still working on that old computer with a girl’s name and knows nothing of what went on in the wordl. They find out that not only he still has lots of money there, but he also has a contract, or something, whatever, that means the school can’t be sold. So it isn’t, they’re all happy, and of course Jeff and Britta won’t get married at this point.

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