lunedì 27 gennaio 2025

Community season 3


This is when Troy, Abed and Annie start living together, Britta loves her psych tests, Shirley gets married again, Pierce’s father dies, Chang kidnaps the Dean and takes control, and air conditioning is a very very serious thing…

1. Biology 101.

It starts with the whole school singing, musical style. Pierce is back. Dr Kane teaches biology, their new class, and he kicks Jeff out. He goes insane, like wielding-an-axe crazy. Then Star-Burns is out, so I guess there will be a spot for Jeff again. Chang is hired as security for food and board.

2. Geography of global conflict.

There’s a student, Annie Kim; our Annie feels very competitive and then she breaks down. Abed comes out with a concept of aliens htat make her win. Britta misses her times of protests and Chang wants to be a real cop. So they help each other.

3. Competitive ecology.

The group members insis to pair together for the biology assignments, but soon realise they want to change. They’re seven, so the eighth is Todd. Chang goes crazy imagining himself a detective. The group comes together again by blaming all their fights on poor Todd.

4. Remedial chaos theory.

Troy and Abed now live together. The group goes to visit them at their house. It starts a play of parallel realities. 

5. Horror fiction in seven spooky steps.

Britta thinks the psych test she had the group fill in for her psychology test means there’s a dangerous psycopath in the group. It’s Halloween, they all tell a macabre/silly story, then realise Britta checked the tests wrong so they check again and it turns out six of them are crazy and only Abed is normal.

6. Advanced gay.

Pierce is upset to discover that Hawthorne Wipes are something of a gay icon, but he’s all for it when he realises that they raise his wipes selling a lot. Then his horrible father comes to school. Pierce cancels the gay party but Jeff doesn’t. Troy is torn between the guys who want him to be a plumber and Vice Dean (John Goodman) who lures him into the air conditioning high life…

The party is great, Pierce is having fun too until his father shows up. Jeff verbally attacks the man until he has a heart attack and obviouslyhe thinks he’s faking it, it was him who taught Pierce to do it after all. The man dies, and Pierce is not really heartbroken.

7. Studies in modern movement.

Annie leaves her old flat to go live with Troy and Abed. Pierce stays behind to repair a little something and destroys her old flat. In her new place they don’t even have a real bedroom for her, only a blanket fot, and she despairs. They are nice, but she can’t accept it when she sees they have an empty room for their mind games. They argue sos they make her a real bedroom. Jeff said he was sick to avoid helping them, but then the Dean meets him while shopping and blackmails him into having dinner and karaoke with him.

8. Documentary filmmaking: redux.

The Dean asks them to star in a school commercial. Not Abed Nadir, no, he will make a documentary instead. Jeff plays the part of the Dean: funny, but he plots to have his scenes cancelled. Instead not only they have permission to use Luis Guzman’s image, but the man offers to star in it himself. In the days before his arrival, the Dean goes insane, totally insane. When Luis arrives, there’s nobody. Only the Dean and Abed. The Dean is still insane. Luis tells him that he (as in the Dean hiself) is ashamed of his school. The Dean does feel ashamed, now, of himself, and makes a self-flagellating video but when he shows it to… those who pay, it’s another video altogether, one actually good and the guys love it. Abed had a hand in it, of course. The Dean begs for forgiveness, and the group accepts that and Jeff hugs him and the others too. Britta and Troy hug each other instead.

9. Foosball and nocturnal vigilantism.

Jeff is annoyed by three guys loudly playing foosball, and when he wants to stop them the German guys are not nice to him but really, jeff started it. When he’s loud it’s ok, if others do it it’s not? We now have two confessions of both Jeff and Shirley once loving the game but stopping because of sort-of traumatic experience, which is also the same one, it was Shirley at 12 who bullied him when he was 10. Well, in one game only, but now they make peace. Annie panics because she broke Abd and Troy’s  super-exclusive DVD; she stages a robbery but eventully confesses the truth… to Batman. Abed takes his costumes very seriously.

10. Regional holiday music.

Jeff did an anonymous call to stop the Glee Club because he hates it. Abed wanted to spend Christmas with them but they all had ther plans, so Abed gets it in his head to convince the group to help Mr Radison by making the Glee show. Abed easily convinces Troy, then a song gets Pierce, then Annie, then she sings in a sexy Santa costume to Jeff, while Pierce brings a bunch of children to sing for Shirley and Britta. Shirley is won, and somehow Britta is too. So they do the Christmas show, but Abed is not overjoyed to learn that after that the regionals will come and then many more, many many more. So Abed sabotages the show by having Britta sing the Prince’s part instead of him. Mr Radison goes mad and basically says it was him who killed the first Glee club members. The whole group shows up at Abed’s house to spend Christmas together.

11. Urban matrimony and the sandwich arts.

André surprises Shirley with a song and show at school to ask her to marry him again. Britta and Jeff do not like even the idea of marriage. Pierce was fired from Hawthorne wipes, so he asks Shirley to start a business together. Britta is very good at organizing wedding stuff, liket he flowers. Shirley is so into their business that she’s late for the wedding rehearsal and when she arrives André is angry and they fight and she walks away but they talk and make peace, and get married right away. Jeff and Shirley make a drunk scene, Abed and Troy play ‘normal’ almost the entire time.

12. Contemporary impressionists.

Back after New Year. Jeff has a new shrink who gave him pills to stop anxiety. Abed is using actors to enact movie scenes for real at school. He owes the man 3000$ and is offered to pay it all by having the group do a ‘show’ or something. The guys are against it. I understand Jeff, fighting against his ego for some reason, but not Annie. Anyway, Troy is angry at them: “it’s not our job to help Abed grow up. Abed doesn’t need reality. Abed is a magical, elflike man who makes us all more magical by being near us” . nice.

They have to play impersonators, and Troy is worried because if things don’t go well the guy will send men to break Abed’s legs. Troy panics all night. Jeff eventually loses it and acts like Hulk, but it ends well for Troy. The debt is paid, but Troy is upset that Abed keeps calling new actors so he tells him clearly that he can’t keep doing that and must trust him to tell him what to do, sometimes. I’m not sure Abed knows how to deal with that.

13. Digital exploration of interior design.

There’s a guy named Subway and Annie going to sleep studies. jeff learns only now that students have lockers. He has two-years worth of letters, even a hate letter from Kim. He searches for her and a guy tells him that she died two weeks ago, Jeff will have no chance to convince her he’s not a jerk. Actually, the guy is Kim, and now it’s Annie who gets angry that Jeff apologises to a guy but was eager for it had Kim been a girl.

Shirley wants Britta to bring down Subway and his sandwich company or whatever, but she falls for him instead. Pierce spys on her (and also drinks ink for some reason). Because of Pierce’s recording, Subway goes back to being Rick and is taken away. 

Vice Dean has a school on how to repair air-conditioners, apparently. Didn’t know that. He speaks to Troy and later to Abed too, to bring discord between them. They were to build a pillow fort together but then Troy left to build his own blanket fort, to beat the current world record, one of them must leave space to the other. At first Abed unhappily accepts to destroy his pillow fort, but then refuses and it’s almost war between the two factions.

14. Pillows and blankets.

News reports on the terrible war between the blanket fort and the pillow fort, aka “the legit Republic of Blanketsburg” & “the United Forts of Pillowtown”. Britta takes pictures, Jeff makes speeches to both forts to avoid school tests. Pierce covers himself in pillows to beat the children in Chang’s team. Troy and Abed say hurtful things and end their friendship. After two days of the school fighting, the Dean says it’s over because nobody from the world records will come and everybody leaves. Jeff puts two virtual friednship hats on Troy and Abed’s heads and they’re friends again.

15. Origins of vampire mythology.

Britta’s ex boyfriend Blade will join the school carnival and she goes mad worrying that she’llsleep with him again and regret it. Vice Dean enrolls the Dean’ help to convince Troy to enroll “in the air conditioning repair program”. It doesn’t work. Britta asks Annie’s help in keeping her away from Blade. Jeff goes mad in trying to understand what’s so irresistible about this Blade. Something about an accident to the head causing him to have no shame… mah. Pierce and Chang walk the carnival as friends until Chang walks away.

16. Virtual systems analysis.

Annie sends Troy and Britta to dine together, alone. She stays home to play with Abed, in the Dreamatorium. It’s not easy at first but they like each other and it all goes well.

17. Basic lupine urology.

“The goofballs that run around stirring up trouble and the eggheads that make a big deal out of it”, an episode Law&Order style. The group’s biology program is broken and they start an investigation on it. At the end they learn that Star-Burns died when the drugs lab in his car exploded.

18. Course listing unavailable.

Britta wants to counsel the group after Star-Burns death. Also professor Kane resigned; biology class therefore is cancelled and they’ll need to work during the summer for more credits. Jeff goes insane about this “remedial biology” business. He starts a hate-riot against the school. Chang’s team of children stops it by pepper-spraying anyone. Then they plan to blame it all on Chang to the Board Council or something. So Chang charms the Council and replaces the Dean with a look alike. The group is expelled.

19. Curriculum unavailable.

Two months later. They’re all together. Abed is forced to go to therapy. He doesn’t want to, neither do they. The whole group goes with him and honestly they look much crazier than Abed. Still, the psychiatrist says Abed should be committed to a mental hospital. They talk of all the craziness going on at that school, and then also the times when the Dean favoured them. Abed has been telling them this whole time the real Dean could never expel them because he loved them. The Doc says that Greendale was never a school, but an asylum. He lied, he’s not even a real doctor, and now he confesses that Chang kidnapped the Dean.

20. Digital estate planning.

Pierce’s father left a videogame he created for Pierce and his friends, or something like that. Anyway, they all play the game because who wins will get the inheritance. The guy Gilbert plays too. The rest is all of them, playing this Mario-style-game, trying to win. It turns out Gilbert is the dead man’s son too. Abed stays behind with a game character, Hilda, and builds castles and enough babies to build armies. Abed savves this Hilda character in a pendrive. 

The man was a real… no word for him, disgusting, for being his son Pierce is normal enough. 

21. The first Chang dynasty.

They plan on how to rescue the Dean from Chang’s school. He has lots of children guards. A big operation and all together they rescue the Dean… but are all trapped. To escape, Troy accepts to join the AC repair program.

22. Introduction to finality.

The contract with Subway is over and they’ll take Shirley’s sandwiches. Britta acts as Abed’s therapist, but he can’t live with Troy being gone so he lets evil-Abed take over. Shirley and Pierce go to mock-court where the Dean acts as judge. Still, Pierce called a real lawyer: Alan. At he end, they make peace having Jeff sign for them a their lawyer. The Vice Dean is murdered by the guy who wants to become the new Vice Dean. Troy uncovers it all, has him taken to the police and joins his friends again after having changed the rules because he’s the AC guy’s Messiah………

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