The one where Penny and Leonard get married (again), Raj is single, Stuart is broke, Halley is born, Bert wins a Grant, Amy and Sheldon live together and start a work project together, and then Ramona kisses Sheldon…
1. The conjugal conjecture.
Sheldon is worried about Mary and Alfred getting together, but they say that they did not sleep together, but that tes, they like each other. Sheldon starts insulting Alfred, he’s very rude when he loses his mind. Beverly thinks of not attending the wedding because of Alfred humiliating her, but Penny remarks that leaving would mean “Alfred will know he got under your skin” so she stays. Penny’s family arrices d Wyatt, mom Susan, and brother Randall.
Finally, the wedding. Stuart sits between Alfred and Beverly, nobody else wanted that seat. Wyatt walks Penny and she’s so pretty in her white dress and flat shoes. She has a very cute hairdo at the end :)
2. The military miniaturization.
Bernie is upset because she didn’t want anyone at her workplace to know she was pregnant, and Penny is anxious because she’s the one who told, but then she confesses.
Howard, Sheldon and Leonard meet Colonel Williams. He’s an engineer, he studied at MIT like Howard. He wants them to make it much much smaller, and Sheldon says they’ll do it in two months .
3. The dependence transcendence.
Howard, Leonard and Sheldon need to work long hours, so Sheldon has an energy drink. When he wants to drink a second one, he thinks he’s become addicted. He drives them crazy until he admits he “can’t figure out the Math”, so they go to the colonel to admit they’re “already behind schedule”. They ask for two years and the colonel agrees.
Penny goes with Amy at Bert’s house, the geologist. Nobody else comes, but it turns out that “Amy’s the coolest girl on campus” and that “Sheldon’s popular because he’s dating you”. Bert’s words. Amy seems to be a trend setter.
Raj helps Bernie clean a room for the baby. She’s very stressed out, doesn’t care about cleaning the roomor its colour and is worried because she’s not more excited about the whole baby thing.
4. The cohabitation experimentation.
Amy’s apartment got flooded, she won’t be able to go back there for five weeks, because a pipe burst…penny suggests she takes their room in Sheldon’s apartment and they’ll go live in Penny’s. Sheldon’s not happy about “cohabitation with my girlfriend?” But then he agrees, but they choose Penny’s apartment. Hetalks in his sleep though, and moves a lot; he sleeps well, she does not. The first morning they figt and then… what, kiss and make up?
Leonard starts dancing in his underwear and Penny looks… doubtful at first but then she joins him. :)until he has an ashma attack.
Bernie and Howard didn’t want to know the sex of the baby, but Raj sneaked a peek and knows.
5. The hot tub contamination.
Amy insists that Sheldon “can’t regulate every aspect of our lives” , meaning she does not want a written schedule to decide when she can go to the bathroom. He goes talking to Penny about seeing other girls, then admits to her he saw his dad doing it with another woman at home when he was 13, and he doesn’t like it that he’s bickering with Amy just like his parents did. Also, that he sees Penny as a nanny. So, she has him compromise enough to go back home and apologize to Amy. They share a toothbrush holder, and there will be no bathroom schedule for her :)
Howard and Bernie will go to Palm Springs, without Raj. Bernie still has morning sickness and is not ready for the long trip, so Howard suggests staying home without telling anyone. Stuart sneaks in to use their hot bathtub. Raj does too. Howard and Bernie listen to them from their window. Stuart has no money to pay bills, so he has no electricity at home, and Raj now is single.
6. The fetal kick catalyst.
Leonard calls the Van Nuys Comic-Con a “dinky little convention where they sell collectibles and get sad D-list celebrities to appear” before knowing Penny got invited to sign autographs. After his words, she thinks of not going, but Leonard wants to :) He’s much more excited than she is, she thinks nobody will ask for her autograph, while he got a change maker plus pictures and markers… he arranges for the pictures to cost 4,75 for a b/w and 9;95 for a color, because he wants to use his moneymaker. He’s put out when they say to keep the change. She sells a few pictures until someone discovers that Leonard married her and he becomes the star.
Howard is excited to feel the baby kick for the first time, and it’s like it all becomes real for him. He buys a minivan and an expensive crib.
Amy likes the idea of having people over, so Sheldon “arranged a brunch” with “Stuart, Bert from the geology lab and Mrs Petrescu from downstairs”. Stuart is offended that they are invited as a test run but Sheldon has him stay, they drink together and have fun.
7. The veracity elasticity.
Amy hasn’t told Sheldon that her apartment is ready and she keeps changing the subject anytime he talks about it. When he complains to his friends, Leonard tells him the truth and he’s “both flattered and hurt”. Howard then tells Leonard that Penny is “secretly been moving your collectibles into storage a little at a time and you haven’t noticed”. Amy is lying to Penny too, but Bernie told her. Penny helps her with their lies. Sheldon and Leonard communicate in Klingon, so Amy and Penny use Ubbi Dubbi or something, that Amy taught her. But it all comes out, that it’s been ready for two weeks. She apologizes and he thinks they might keep living together.
Howard suggests using Sheldon’s room to store Leonard’s things, but it’s Sheldon’s room! And he tells them that, a lot! :p
Sheldon hates Amy’s apartment, so he suggests finding their own place. He also has nightmares of the others making a sex dungeon in his old room. But he chooses Amy.
Penny tries to change their bedroom and make it girly.
8. The brain bowl incubation.
Raj found a gravitational wobble. He always eats junk food until he meets the cleaning lady, Isabella. She has a 19 year old son, and Raj helps her clean. He cleans his room and floor so she has time to dine with him. But she’s upset when he told Howard that she’s an astronomer, so he tells her that he likes to have Cinnamon lick him, and they agree to go out again.
Amy takes a miniscule piece of Sheldon’s skin for some kind of scientific thing. Something like changing skin into brain cells. She’s a bit upset when Sheldon suggests making a baby right there and she goes out. He put rose petals on the floor at home trying to seduce her… and she goes out again.
9. The geology elevation.
Bert got “the MacArthur Genius Grant” and Sheldon is upset. Amy has him read Bert’s paper and it’s good, and that also upsets him. He’s ambitious and he’s been surpassed by a geologist. He’s even disappointed by how jealous he is. He confronts Bert and hurts himself again, then Hawking makes him feel better. So he goes with Bert to Ellen’s show.
Howard built a miniature Hawking but everyone makes him realize it’s offensive.
10. The property division collision.
Amy and Sheldon give back to Penny Amy’s painting, that gift…
Stuart’s been evicted and asks Bernie to stay with them, in exchange for helping them out. Raj thinks they don’t need Stuart because they have him. Luckily they are both there when Bernie goes into labor, because Howard seems useless.
Sheldon and Leonard fight because Sheldon wants to keep all their stuff. Sheldon rents his room to Theodore, a stranger, old man. Theodore makes them talk and stop fighting.
11. The birthday synchronicity.
Sheldon wakes Amy up at midnight for her birthday and they would have had sex if they didn’t have to go to the hospital for Bernie. Still, it’s too early and she’s sent back home, so Amy and Sheldon go back to it. To get back in the mood, she wears Hufflepuff robes, giving him Griffindors ones, but they have to go back when Bernie’s water broke. He was upset that she went to Wizarding World without him, but they go now so he’s back in the mood. :)
Howard and Bernie are angry that Raj told them it’s a girl. They all reflect on how far they’ve come, all but Raj and Stuart. The baby is called Halley and Raj is made godfather, and he’s happy again.
12. The holiday summation.
Sheldon and Amy are back from Texas. They went to see his mom. Mary has a new lovely haircut, and Amy wanted to tell her about them living together, so Sheldon does and Mary is happy for them. She thought he’d be alone forever and he’s upset that he’s the one she was worried about. Amy had already told her so she knew it was fine.
Penny and Leonard got into a fight because she watched two episodes without him, but the worst was when they tried to cut their own tree and it all went terribly.
The baby keeps crying driving Bernie crazy; she feels bad because Stuart made her stop right away. She started crying more than the baby. Then she went to sleep in the baby’s crib making her sleep well.
Stuart also went on holiday, to visit his grandmother.
13. The romance recalibration.
The three girls have a girls night. Penny is upset because Leonard isn’t romantic anymore, but when she tells him he becomes upset because he always did all the work in their relationship. So Penny takes Amy to their spa weekend. Then they ask Sheldon to write a relationship agreement for them. He’s more than happy to do it, he loves that stuff.
14. The emotion detection automation.
Since Sheldon is not very understanding, Bernie says that “a team at MIT developed a device that helps people read human emotions”, 85% accurate. Howard asks and gets him a prototype.
Howard made a joke but Raj takes it seriously and calls all his ex-girlfriends to discover why they left him… there’s four: Lucy, Claire, and both Emilys. All four girls found the right one after leaving him.
Sheldon is sad to realize how much he hasn’t improved in understanding people.
15. The locomotion reverberation.
To get rid of Sheldon, Leonard gives him a gift: “the ultimate train experience, at the Nevada Northern Railway. You’re at the throttle, you are the engineer, you are running the locomotive.” Sheldon hugs him. Of course he wants Amy to drive him there, he can’t talk of anything else. Leonard was keeping that gift for the best moment to use it, tonget rid of Sheldon, and it works, but the general sees Sheldon’s maths on the board, realises with just a glance what it is and what it means, and wants them to do it that way (even smaller). They ask Sheldon to come back to work and do the train thing another time, but he’s totally lost it, building an actual train engine in his living room.
Bernie has to fill out a form online, a preschool application, for her newborn baby girl… and even before hearing back from the Caltech preschool she applies to others just in case.
The girls plan a night out while Stuart and Raj take care of the baby. The club Penny knew once has been closed and there’s a shop now.
Emotions come out: Bernie is exhausted all the time and stressed out, Penny feels some kind of pressure because after being married two years nothing has changed for her (well, her job and money situation has, but I guess they mean children) and Amy is sad too because she has a small apartment, makes less money than Penny and has never been even engaged.
16. The allowance evaporation.
Raj is angry at his dad because he sort of gave up on him… well yes, his dad won’t try to find him a girl anymore, his other five children all got married, but Raj is too spoiled, hung up on dad’s money. The man pays for everything, car, rent, everything. Raj does not think himself spoiled… he doesn’t even know how much his car costs, or his rent, and the housekeeper does all the shopping…and he just bought Halley a red cape that costs 300$?
Amy is mad at Sheldon because everyone at the university knows that they have sex once a year. Sheldon told not just Kripke, but also two professors and the lunch lady in the cafeteria. She feels humiliated.
They talk about secrets and who to share them with, and Sheldon reveals that he got a driver license two years ago. He likes to have people drive him around, it makes him feel important.
Raj tells his father that he won’t spend his money anymore, he even fires his dogsitter!
17. The Comic-Con conundrum.
To help Raj, Sheldon takes a look at his finances, does a bit of math, and it’s a disaster. Raj agrees to have him in charge, he won’t spend a cent without Sheldon’s approval.
Penny thinks of going to Comic-Con to make Leonard happy. She doesn’t really want to, but thinks it’d break his heart if she doesn’t. Leonard knows she’ll be miserable and he’d rather she stayed home, but won’t tell her to spare her feelings since she’s so enthusiastic… but of course Leonard talked about it with Sheldon, and Penny complains to Amy, so the truth comes out and it’s ok.
Howard was taking it for granted that he’d go, but he has a family now. Raj has no money for it, and won’t accept money for babysitting Halley, so he won’t go either. Leonard says he’ll stay home too and do something with Penny instead. Howard talks about being a family man, but he wouldn’t want to go alone with Sheldon.
Sheldon wants to go, and tries to convince Amy to go with him, and she’s about to yield when he mentions he has a good argument inside his pants… but it’s only the list of guests.
18. The escape hatch identification.
Raj needs to leave his expensive apartment, and Howard offers him his garage, but then Leonard offers him Sheldon’s room. He accepts the room with Howard’s encouragement. Sheldon is upset and Beverly says it’s because it was his escape hatch, and also that Leonard and Penny use a third person in their flat to mask insecurities in their relationship.
Upset, Raj shows up at night at Howard’s bedside, scaring the hell out of him and Bernie, and also Stuart who hurried inside with a bat. Quite brave of him!!!
Leonard and Penny feel guilty when they find out in the morning and go ask him to come back.
19. The collaboration fluctuation.
Raj and Penny do yoga together, and they gossip together of people she knows at work. They are such girlfriends that Leonard feels left out.
Amy tells Sheldon what she’s working on now, and surprisingly Sheldon finds it interesting, enough that he does some math on it, and even suggests combining her experiment with his calculations and she’s very intrigued. They write some rules before starting working together. The first day doesn’t go very well. They realize that their work is more productive when they fight.
20. The recollection dissipation.
Sheldon works at both projects, the one with the boys and the one with Amy, at the same time, burning himself out so much he gets sick, and passes out on the couch after a weird stop at a cowboy bar.
Bernie is worried about leaving Halley when she’ll go back to work.
21. The separation agitation.
Bert has a girlfriend, Rebecca. He brings her to Leonard’s apartment, and she’s beautiful. They met online after he wrote of the grant he won. He thinks it’s not right that she likes him for his money so he breaks up with her, but then regrets it and buys her something big to get her back.
22. The cognition regeneration.
Sheldon and the boys lose an online game battle and Sheldon feels bad about it, because it’s like they’re aging.
Zach says he’s engaged but the girl is not there when they’re supposed to meet. Zach offers Penny to work for him, since she hates her job, and she’d like to accept, but Leonard doesn’t like it. Neither does Zach’s girlfriend, so nothing comes out of it.
23. The gyroscopic collapse.
The boys have finished phase one of their project for the military, but they can’t continue because the lab is now empty, the military took it all away and will continue the project without them.
Raj has found a new place, Bert has a room for him, above his garage.
Amy was “asked to be a visiting researcher at Princeton”, a good thing but it would mean being away for a few months. Finally she tells Sheldon about the “summer research fellowship at Princeton”; he feels bad about her leaving, but is encouraging enough and they even have sex.
24. The long distance dissonance.
Amy and Sheldon chat via Skype since she’s in New Jersey. He meets again that grad student who worked with him a long time ago. The girls don’t know if they should tell Amy, but Sheldon tells her himself. This dr. Ramona Nowisky is clearly after Sheldon, they eat together and even go swimming together. All the others try to get between them, and then Penny has a talk with Sheldon but it doesn’t work, he doesn’t believe her. He thinks she’s just a friendly colleague, but then this Ramona kisses him.
So he takes a taxi, a plane and another taxi and is at Amy’s door, on his knee, asking her to marry him!
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