venerdì 19 dicembre 2014

M:I:III - 2006

Which means Mission Impossible 3, again with Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt. He's finally decided to leave active duty because he fell in love with Julia and wants to marry her. He goes back on the field to save a girl (Keri Russell) he trained himself, but he can't: a bomb had been planted in her head and she dies. Ethan stays to bring down the man that killed her, Owen Davian (Philip Seymour Hoffman), and to get to him they infiltrate in the Vatican. Now, can we spend a few words on the dress that girl chose to enter the party at the Vatican?? Sure she looked pretty, sure she was sexy, problem is: you're not at a Los Angeles party, girl. Seriously, what were they thinking, why didn't they give her a different dress? She would have looked just as sexy in a black dress without holes! Come on! And more classy too.
I'd also like to spent a word on the scene where Ethan and Declan (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) talk italian :lol: so this is like they truly sound every time spies speak a foreign language: when they speak russian or chinese or whatever I don't understand them so I think, wow they speak chinese among chinese people, they must speak it well if they are thought to be chinese! Then it happens that the language is Italian and then I know: no way in hell they could ever be mistaken for italian, not a chance in the world :lol: now, the woman in the car behind, he was from Rome! But I'm not criticizing, mind you, because as American movies go, they are to be congratulated that at least I could understand what they were doing, which is not so obvious as it might seem. So: no problem, I just had a nice laugh, and on with the film! It wasn't a bad movie at all; I still prefer the ghost protocol one because Jeremy Renner is adorable while J.R.Meyers is more like boring, in my opinion, but anyway it was a nice movie. Ethan was very sweet and deeply in love with his Julia, which was a good one, very much in love and also quick on learning how to fire to protect him and herself. I loved how he look desperately scared for her.
I was not surprised at all at the end when that guy turned out to be a traitor, honestly I wondered from the start for the simple reason that he was TOO nice: he was either the best, perfect friend or he had something to hide. I did not suspect the boss Brassel (Laurence Fishburne) because he was simply doing what was to be expected given the circumstances.
There were all the M:I things: masks, tricks, running, shooting and fighting. There was Benji (Simon Pegg) helping him. They went from America to the Vatican to China. Luther was also in this (Ving Rhames), and Maggie Q was the female agent of the day.

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