venerdì 26 dicembre 2014

Circle du soleil: worlds away

Beautiful, enchanting, wonderful. I love it. The acrobats are amazing, yes, but of course it's not just that, this is not a normal circus, where you have separate performances, no no, this is different, this is an experience. They are all together, and there's a plotline. Here, we see a girl coming to watch the Circus Marvelous. She exchange glances with the aerialist, then a strange clown gives her a flier of the guy's performance, and she goes to watch it. She's admiring him when he misses a catch and falls down. She jumps up to help him, but the soil gives way and they both are transported to the magical world of the cirque du soleil, where she wanders from tent to tent in search for him, but in every tent there are different situations, full of colors, flying acrobats, swimming acrobats, wall acrobats, trampoline's acrobats... strange animals that threatens her, but in the end they finally meet each other and then he flies for her, then he picks her up and they fly together... yes when I say fly I mean attached to a rope, doing acrobatic numbers, of course, but it's so beautiful, they're truly amazing. It is all so marvelous!! I have never seen them live, I wish I had, it's amazing.

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