giovedì 22 maggio 2014

Can you keep a secret? by Sophie Kinsella - so lovely-adorable

I know she's famous mostly because of the Shopaholic series, but personally I love this one most of all, best thing she's  written!
It's written in first person, and from the point of view of Emma, a normal girl, I could say, but very kind and funny. She lives with two flatmates: her best friend Lissy, who really seems the best friend ever, and Jemima, who to me is an alien.
Like every human in the world, she has a few little secrets that are her own, but one day she's on a plane, and it's going badly, and she's scared to death and what with the vodka, what with the terror, she's totally losing it. She thinks she's going to die. She starts blabbering about the things she hasn't done yet, and all the things she has never told anyone. She ends up telling everything about her, her job, her boyfriend, her family to the stranger sit next to her. Only to discover later on she only 'thought' he was a stranger, when she meets him at work!! How can she deal with a man who knows her every tini little secret?
This is funny and adorable, and touching: it juggles with your emotions. I love Emma, so positive about life; I'd like to know how she manages that. I absolutely love this book. Totally, every word. From the first page.
After a few lines I was already in love. This is how it starts:
<<<Of course I have secrets.
Of course I do.
Everyone has a few secrets. It's completely normal. I'm sure I don't have any more than anybody else.
I'm not talking about big, earth-shattering secrets. Not the-president-is-planning-to-bomb-Japan-and-only-Will-Smith-can-save-the-world type secrets. Just normal, everyday little secrets.
Like for example, here are a few random secrets of mine, off the top  of my head:
1 my Kate Spade  bag is a fake
3 I have no idea what NATO stands for. Or even what it is.
4 I weigh 9 stone 3. Not 8 stone 3, like my boyfriend Connor thinks. (Although in my defence, I was planning to go on a diet when I told him that.  >>>

Not even a full page and I was already, totally in love. Maybe it's just because I'm italian and hte book is so adorably English in every line, I don't know, it's possible, so maybe if you're British you won't find it SO amazing as I did, still it is funny so try it anyway.
 I like all the characters in here, all except Kerry, Nev and Artemis, of course, but that's alright, because I'm supposed not to like them. They are mean to Emma, so in a way they're mean to me that I'm reading the book in the first person.

A knight of the Word by Terry Brooks - useless & kinda offensive

That's incredible. Who does he think we are, stupid mindless readers? His writings has gone really down. That serves me well for keep reading them. I loved the first two books, so I went on. Up to six or seven they were good enough, then I could have stopped, but I didn't want to abandon that world. I know this sounds stupid, but that's how it is. Even if my beloved Allanon had died many books before, somehow I felt closer to him by reading of his world again... It's occurring to me now that I shouldn't say this to anyone, it makes me sound crazy or pathetic, possibly both, but nobody reads this blog anyway so who cares.
Thing is, I went on, I read Running with the Demon, and it was a bit boring at times, but not sooo bad as to leave it at that. I thought, let's go on with the story, but this book was ... infuriating. Not only did he drag a short story for so long, but it filled the pages with infuriating rubbish. My personal thoughts, of course. That's the whole point of this blog. I'm not a book critic, I'm just a reader.
So, he starts off saying John Ross is in trouble, then he shows to us a John Ross without his magic but with a friend called Simon and a girlfriend called Stephanie. Then he talks about a demon and the way and the moment, it's so obvious when I read it that the demon was that girl! He didn't say it, of course, I accepted that, but I hoped he'd come up with something interesting, like: he finding out early enough and pretending just to fool her into false confidence and then maybe a joined-showdown between the demon and the combined forces of Ross and Nest... I don't know, a bit of intrigue and action!
Instead what did I read? He went on as if I didn't know who the demon was, tried to trick me saying someone saw it was a man, as if I couldn't work out by myself that if you tell me it's a shapeshifter demon, who can shift to animal into man, then maybe it can shift to woman too! And insisted on that point, wanting us to believe it was Simon the demon, because Ross had dreamed he'd end up killing Simon, as if I could ever fall for that! There would be no point at all in having Nest there, would it now? Like, Ross is still on the good side, knows the demon, kills the demon, everything's alright, no need to bring poor Nest where she's not really needed!
It was so obvious it wasn't Simon that the whole thing was really annnoying.
But yet he went on all full of himself, with all the characters lost as to who this demon might be, or going in the wrong direction. I just wanted to shout: you idiot, can't you lot see it's her??? Then towards the end there is the big revelation: it's HER!! No!?!Really??? What a shock! Who could have guessed??
I'll tell you: Me! 200 pages ago! Oh what a surprise indeed!?!? And their showdown ir really disappointing too. Nice to see Nest and Wraith again, but they have so little space after all.
I didn't  like this book at all. I'm not the brightest person in the world, but even I could see everything right from the start, so the whole book was just a bunch of useless words, annoyingly taking me for a complete dumb. What a useless book!

Escape plan - not bad

After all this years, now Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger are co-protagonists on this film. I know that they were seen together in The expendables 1 and 2, but this time they are together all the time. Although the real lead character is Stallone's Ray Breslin, who will come up with an escape plan (of course) but will need some help. Now, the beginning is kind of nice, a bit of a surprise, because I didn't expect him to be out of prison after only six minutes, although the explanation of how he did it is... well, I can accept it because it doesn't really matter, in a way, that's not THE escape plan we are interested in, but really, do you know how many combinations can you have with four numbers? And you're telling me that in isolation cells, designed to be sofisticated and escape-proof, you can type how many wrong codes as you want until you reach the right one? Because they showed us only him typing the right one, but how could he know which one it was? He knew the four numbers involved, but not the right order. You would imagine that some kind of alarm would go off if you type the wrong security code, wouldn't you? Or they want me to believe he just "worked out" the right order? How???
Anyway, the real challenge, the prison from which nobody can escape. It was rather fun and thrilling enough, not bad, not bad, I liked the two of them together, although before watching the movie I thought they were at the same level, which they obviously aren't. Just the fact that you had to wait half an hour before you can see Schwarzenegger, while you see Stallone all the time. I'd had preferred a film with them at the same level, but who knows, maybe in the future.
I liked Sam Neill's doctor, it was obvious from the first moment we saw him that he would have been an important pawn in the whole plan; in the film there is  also Curtis "50 cent" Jackson, Amy  Ryan and Vincent D'Onofrio, in important but very limited roles. Then there's Jim Caviezel, who is the head of the new prison, and their mortal enemy, of course. His role was bigger, because he was in prison 'with' them all the time, and he did a good job, liked him very much. Nice smirk!
Unfortunately there are some cliché that they should try to avoid doing this kind of films and never do,  like the fact that they have a simple gun and every shot is a kill, while the bad guys have automatic rifles and despite the fact that they never stop shooting and that there's a lot of them, Stallone and Schwarzy never get hit. As always, the plan worked mostly because they are shamely lucky! Also, I'd appreciated it if they could lose this habit of having to say some 'cool line' every time they kill the bad guys, on in crucial moments. It's very rare they're actually funny lines, most of the time they think it's funny but it's just useless and frankly kind of stupid. Like the "have a lovely day asshole" line, was it really needed? No, no it wasn't!
They liked to put here and there a few lines between Stallone and Schwarzenegger to underline the fact that they're together, as if you might not have noticed, like "you don't look that smart" "you don't either" (I was on my couch thinking that the look is their own, while the lines, the bravery and the fighting skills are just a script, not sure why they insisted on having me thinking about that), or when they told each other how complicated had it been to become each other's friend (don't remember the exact words, I should have written them), stuff like that.
Now for some real spoiler, ok? You be warned
I didn't even know, before watching it, that he escaped from prisons for a living, as a job, to test prison's security! I only knew that they were together :lol:
I liked the first doctor's lines, when he's asked how can he work in a place like that, and he replies something like "you'd prefer there wasn't a doctor here?". I also liked Javed's 'hero' moment, and it was kind of touching when he said "just give me your gun", with that look... I actually felt for him in that moment. Good job from actor Faran Tahir, indeed.
My favourite moment of all was when they are escaping, and before disabling the cameras Ray says to the other two to "say cheese!", and they put on such a face, I laughed out loud!!
The big switch at the end, the CIA girl is in fact Schwarzy-Rottmayer's daughter, and she wanted Ray in that prison as to free her father. Thanks, this explains why Rottmayer was attached to Ray from the first minute they met, but at the same time raises a few questions of its own.  I'm not sure about this code-name thing. Good on the other hand is the explanation that Ray's fake name Porthos was a code-name, so Rottmayer knew who he was.
I didn't like it when he refused when they offered to drive him where he wanted, because what was he waiting there for, then? He says "I made my own arrangements": really? How? When? Well, I guess they could have both called someone from the elicopter...
So, it was the girl's plan to have him in there, to get his father out, but she didn't bury him there (obviously she wanted him to get out with dad). It was Clark who wanted him buried there forever, this we know, but at this point does the whole thing really make sense? Because if Clark had not betrayed him, wanting him there forever and telling Hobbes (Caviezel) who Porthos really was, I don't know if this whole thing would have happened because would he get out of prison real criminals? If he had thought they were real dangerous criminals? I'm not sure who Rottmayer/Mannheim is supposed to be, but he talked about himself as a new Robin Hood, which is kind of the good guy.
Not that I care too much. I'd like to see a film when they are at the same level, or maybe a Schwarzenegger/Eastwood film. I know they've always made very different films, but I wouldn't mind the two of them together, tough looks both of them :lol:

lunedì 19 maggio 2014

Sherlock series 3

After 2 years, finally this January 2014 we had the third series, which means episodes 7, 8 and 9.
The empty hearse
The sign of three
His last vow
these 3 episodes seem to me to be more concentrated on Sherlock's character and sentiments than on the crimes. In the first we see his return, and how John deals with it, and it's all about that, about their relationship and how Sherlock never realised how this would have upset John, and never imagined he could have a life of his own without him.
I still am disappointed at the fact that there was no real explanation about how he survived the fall. There are some openly fake, and then there is one that should be the truth, when Sherlock explains everything to Anderson. (I don't like Anderson)
I understand that the way Anderson reacts after that is irony at the audience thinking but but... unsatisfied with the explanation, still it can't be helped because it really was unsatisfying. First of all, he said he had not forseen that Moriarty would go as far as to kill himself, but I say that if he hadn't then Sherlock's plan wouldn't have worked, because Moriarty would have seen him texting and waiting for the reply, and also he could have looked down, watching him do it and seeing the trick. Of course Sherlock did tell him to give him some privacy, that's true, and Moriarty looked the other way for a moment, maybe enough for the texts business, but what about the actual fall? A Moriarty alive would have looked down to see him dying, don't you think? Then, he had thought about this plan in advance, but thought of Molly's help only at the end? She was important not only because she procured the other body, but mostly I think because the gave authenticity to his death, since she is the morgue pathologist.
Sherlock doesn't explain it to John, and that's another thing. Is he ever going to tell him? Or this is the only explanation we are going to get?
The sign of three is funny and touching, showing how deeply Sherlock feels for John, and finally showing John actually curing someone, saving lives! Hooray!
Again here they give the fandom a slogan, because Sherlock and John drunk was funny, but John saying "he's clueing for looks" has become immensely popular! John speech at the wedding was very long, but with very touching moments. I love that he doesn't understand why people have tears in their eyes, and he's worried he made some mistake, and I was watching it with the same eyes that Molly had, and I can't say how I love such a simple line from Mrs Hudson, when she said "oh Sherlock" so perfectly it felt as if I was now authorized to cry, I can't explain it, but it was beautiful.
In His Last Vow we see again how Sherlock feels different from other people and feels because of it. He hates Magnussen because he uses people secrets to blackmail them. He hates Magnussen more than anyone else.
In all three we see Mary, John's love, played by his partner in life Amanda Abbington.

domenica 18 maggio 2014

Sherlock series 2 - still amazing

It was difficult to top such a great series like the first of Sherlock, but they did it. The people are the same, Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss writing it, and with the same actors.
Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes, Martin Freeman as John Watson, Rupert Graves as DI Lestrade, Mark Gatiss as Mycroft Holmes, Louise Brealey as Molly Hooper and Andrew Scott as Jim Moriarty...
It starts exactly from where they left us, anxious to know how Sherlock is gonna save himself and John from such a bad bad situation... and it's amazing, the only real solution that actually can make sense.
It's an amazing moment when Moriarty and Sherlock, still holding guns, are so polite to each others, mouthing things like "I'm sorry" and "No it's fine", a scene like this would never have appeared on an american show. It's just SO British. And I love it.
This series too has only three episodes, 90 minutes long, which is a pity because I'd want lots of them, but is okay because they are so great. There is
 1 - A scandal in Belgravia -  when we see Sherlock dealing with a woman very provocative (she's a dominatrix), and when we see how Sherlock deals with sentiments (sort of)
 2 - The hounds of Baskerville, because of course they had to make the most famous adventure of Sherlock Holmes. Here we see Benedict Cumberbatch looking even more stunning than ever, and Rupert Graves too. I didn't like the guy who hires them, I'm sorry to say, he spoke in a strange way it was a bit annoying. I loved the spock moment, that was fantastic. When John says: alright... Spock! I love it.
The Reichenbach fall, which is so great, when Sherlock and Moriarty have their final showdown, when Moriarty turns everyone against Sherlock.
Just three episodes, but all of them so amazing! It's incredible.
Little bit of spoilers now, because I want to talk about a few scenes in detail.
In the first one, it's fantastic how they survive such a situation. In the swimming pool, at the end of the previous season, they were in a really bad bad situation, it seemed there were no way out, so we now have the solution: the only way out is that Moriarty changes his mind and lets them go, because someone calls him on the phone asking for ... what? Sherlock's help, I might guess.. in fact Irene needed Sherlock's help, like Mycroft says : "give him a puzzle and watch him dance" which is great how he says that. It's my favourite Mycroft moment!
We also see Sherlock being so cruel against Molly. He didn't want to, and for the first time every other character understood what we all understood watching it, when Molly comes to the 'Christmas party' all nicely dressed and with a gift, and we all know she likes Sherlock, and everyone understood it was all for Sherlock, and when he started talking so cruelly about it he was the only one not realizing that he was being cruel. When he does, he feels so bad about it he says "forgive me" to the astonishment of John, and gives her a kiss on the cheek. This is so touching, he's never done anything like that!
Understanding Sherlock also means to understand that he is so intrigued by Irene Adler because she's so smart he can't decipher her.
Plus, how can you not love it when writers give the fandom their slogan? I am sherlocked is amazing, and everyone is using it. I am Sherlocked too, in fact!
That scene when he guesses the password is Sher, also shows how Sherlock really is different from other characters. When he was alone with Irene, and she was trying to seduce him, and got really close, and he took her hand, and now he tells us that he actually took her pulse and realized from her heartbeat that she really felt something for him! Well, in some sort of way he does too, because he'll secretly go and save her.
In the third one there's one of the best scenes of all, when Molly says to Sherlock "you look sad when you think he can't see you" , he being John. It's an amazing Molly-scene, and is played incredibly by both Benedict and Louise Brealey.
I loved the beginning of this episode, when we see John teaching Sherlock how to behave in public :lol:
I was very pleased that they showed clearly that Sherlock wasn't dead, not leaving the audience with the uncertainty. I mean, of course he can't be dead if they want to make another season, but the fact that they showed it so clearly was good, and people knew at that point a new series would come.

Sherlock series 1 - amazing

This first series is amazing. I was never a big Sherlock Holmes fan, and barely knew the actors' names before I watched it, I had only heard it was a new series on the Arthur Conan Doyle books but that every story would be set in modern days London, with the help of every technology of 21st century. I wasn't sure that this could work out, but that was before. Then I watched it. And rewatched it. And rewatched it.
Each Sherlock episode is practically a film: it's 90 minutes long and is sooo well done!!
Unfortunately the fact that they spend so much time and care on it apparently means that they can make only 3 episode each season.
In the first series we have

ep 1 - A study in pink -  which is absolutely fantastic.
I absolutely love John's line "Nothing happens to me" because it explains everything about him, I think. He says that when his psychiatrist tells him "writing a blog about everything that happens to you will honestly help you".
After 5 minutes we meet Detective Inspector Lestrade talking to journalists. Everybody receives strange sms saying "wrong" :lol: "we have our best people investigating"=wrong :lol: The last sms was to Lestrade, saying that he knows where to find him :lol:
I can understand why Sherlock can't find a flatmate, but honestly, why does John thinks nobody would want him for a flatmate??? He says "come on, who'd want me for a flatmate?" as if that was obvious... why say that?
After 8 minutes we finally meet Sherlock, with Molly :-) Poor Molly, does he understand how she feels about him or not, at this point?? I love Molly, those two "okay" she said at the start were enough for me! Sherlock is mean to her, although he probably doesn't mean to. "your mouth is too small now" .... really? Come on, you insensitive...
I loved when John's friend said "yep, he's always like that" :lol: John's look says it all :-)
Sms: "if brother has green ladder arrest brother" oh Sherlock :lol:
After 12 minutes we meet Mrs Hudson, and first thing Sherlock does is to hug her! Maybe doesn't seem that much a thing first time you see it, because you still don't know Sherlock very much, but after a while you understand how special that hug is. How special Mrs Hudson is , for Sherlock. So much that a few minutes later he'll kiss her on the cheek! Sherlock, kiss!!!  Then Lestrade comes to get him, to ask him to come and help, he even does a little bow with his head while saying thank you, before leaving... they didn't have that much of a relationship, before John, huh? Anyway, Lestrade is so wow!
At 15:10 there is happy Sherlock, jumping and twirling because he finally has an interesting case! The music is so perfect, really perfect. I like it very much when they go out of the flat, it seems almost like dancing :-) Before going out happy Sherlock comes back to stamp a kiss on Mrs Hudson's cheek :-)
In the car, we have a demonstration of Sherlock's deduction, than John surprises him:
John : that was amazing
Sherlock : you think so?
John : Of course it was. It was extraordinary, it was quite extraordinary
Sherlock : it's not what people normally say
John : what do people normally say?
Sherlock : piss off!
very serious and John smiles. I love this scene, because it's already all there, the basis for their friendship: John doesn't despise Sherlock for being more intelligent, and that is one thing Sherlock is surprised about, he has never found before. He got everything right about John, except that he doesn't have a brother, but a sister: Harry is short for Harriett. You see how pleased he is to have some company, and someone that compliments him instead of insulting him. I mean, first words Sgt Sally Donovan says : Hello freak... no surprise I don't like her, only one I like less is Anderson. I don't like Anderson at all.
I approve that in this second-version, long-pilot Sherlock doesn't put that blue-lab-thing on :lol: Lestrade is a bit annoyed at Sherlock's behaviour, wondering for a seconds why he puts up with it: "because you need me" - "yes I do! God help me" :-D I so love Lestrade, so good, manly and strong, he has no fear, no problem at all admitting he needs the help of this annoying ...
One thing that amazed me about this episode first time I watched it is how great is Lestrade, he's good, intelligent and charming. I so love Lestrade, it would be much different without him. Not the same about that girl in the car, I'm so glad we'll later see only Microft, without her. She was so annoying and useless.
Mark Gatiss is such a lovely Microft, they're so perfect brothers... "I worry about him, constantly". True, because he knows him. It should have been obvious that they are brothers from the first time he deduces John at their first meeting. "you're not haunted by the war, Dr Watson, you miss it" . Different words, but it's what Sherlock also thinks, clear when he says "and I said dangerous, and here you are".
Sherlock is using nicotine patch... well, that's good, considering that in the books Sherlock used real drugs when he had no work, not caring that Watson disapproved.
How come that when they're at Angelo's place Sherlock seems to be all considerate of what he thinks might be John's feelings for him, but isn't the same about Molly?? Poor Molly..
"Welcome to London" was really funny, like John says :-) and I love when they laugh, because Sherlock's laugh is so awkward, as if he's not used to laughing with a friend. He doesn't have friends, so this must be a first for him :-) also when he says "why would she still be upset?" and at everyone's look he turns to John for directions: "not good?" "bit not good, yeah" and here is where John starts helping him in social life :-) I mean, why would she still be upset? Yep, I see it, sociopath alright..
"your back, NOW, please" again, I love Lestrade , and how he says that. He has one of the best lines of the episode, of the series even "because Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think, one day, if we're very very lucky, he might even be a good one".
The murderer has figured him out too : "clever enough to bet your life? ... You'd do anything, anything at all, to stop being bored" yes, that's the Sherlock from the books, it was exactly like that.
It's amazing the difference in Sherlock already at this point, from the start to this end, when he stops his deductions to protect John "actually, do you know what? Ignore me. It's the shock talking. ...What now? I'm in shock, look, I've got a blanket!" :lol: I love this. plus, when he says "I caught you a serial killer..more or less", he looks a bit like Jared Padalecki in Supernatural, only in that shot right there, when he turns to Lestrade, in no other moments I'd ever say something like this, but in that moment...
Anyway, back to Sherlock having changed during only one episode: at the end, not only Sherlock chuckles with John, but he's also making jokes :-) and here is where their friendship is consolidated, not because of the shooting-he-saved-his-life-thing, but at the moment John says "because you're an idiot" and Sherlock takes it. This is it. They are, in two very different aspects, and are not in others. They accept this about each other :-)
Sherlock's line : "Oh my god, what is it like in your funny little brains, it must be so boring" and  "Mrs Hudson took my skull", I love how he says that! - "I'm not a psycopath Anderson, I'm a highly-functioning sociopath, do your research".. :-) ;  "you lot, you're all so vacant. Is it nice not being me? It must be so relaxing" ...
John: That's brilliant! - Fantastic!
Sherlock: You know you do that out loud?
John: Sorry, I'll shut up
Sherlock: No, it's.. fine.
:lol: he likes this :-)

ep 2 - The blind banker -  which is good, but is my least favourite simply because the others are more than good :-) But John saying "I had a row in the shop with a chip and pin machine. It sat there, and I shouted abuse" may be its best moment. But then, we see Sherlock doing a sort of flirting with Molly only to get her to help him... so he does know that she likes him??? again, poor Molly...
I've got one question about the episode: if they thought that John was Sherlock, and they took him, then for whom did they left the "deadman"-message? I mean, they left for yellow signs before the actual kill.

ep 3 - The great game -  which is amazing. Moriarty comes out in the open, playing with Sherlock and having fun watching him run solving his little puzzles (called murders by the rest of the world).
This episode was when I had my personal explanation at the why Sherlock is so affectionate with Mrs Hudson, hugging her and kissing her, when he's so distant from the rest of the world. When Sherlock talks to John understanding that John is so disappointed in him because he seems not to care about people in danger, and Sherlock points out he's not a hero, and I thought: everyone wants him to be something different: a boyfriend, a hero, a friend, a good man, a team member, everyone except Mrs Hudson. She never expected him to be anything. That's probably why Sherlock is so comfortable around her.
I was amazed also at the fact that in a way Moriarty wins everything, in this episode. He plays Sherlock as he wants, having him believing and doing exactly what he wants. It's amazing. The series ended with a big big cliffhanger, but luckily we don't have to wait for season 2, and we can see right away how it goes...

I don't want to say too much, because you should really see it, if you haven't. If you like crime stories, of course.

It's difficult not to love those characters: John is the most normal of them, but is kind and caring. Molly is adorable, Lestrade is a very cool and handsome detective, Mycroft is Mark Gatiss and if you remember him from Doctor Who then I've got nothing to add. Sherlock is a very complex character, I'd say, because he calls himself a sociopath, he doesn't understand sentiments and the importance people give them, he can't comprehend why people act like they do. Yet you see how he's changed from the first episode when he seemed to be the loneliest man in the world to the third episode, when he was scared to death for John's life.
I realise now I haven't even mentioned the actors' names, so much I love the characters! Sherlock Holmes is Benedict Cumberbatch, called Ben by the fandom because Benedict Cumberbatch is 20 letters and tweets have limited lengh: too much familiarity? No, the fandom Khan do this and more :lol:  John Watson is played by Martin Freeman, before he became Bilbo Baggins. Mrs Hudson is Una Stubbs, Molly Hooper is Louise Brealey, and our handsome Detective Inspector Lestrade is Rupert Graves. I adore Lestrade!

Lords and Ladies - Discworld book n. 14

This is a witches' book. and as you can read on the cover, Granny Weatherwas is against the Elves! Mind u, these are nothing like Tolkien's elves, nothing like that. These are dangerous, and must be stopped at all costs!
So we meet Granny, Nanny and Magrat right after they return from their adventure abroad (which you should have already read in Witches Abroad), and they find out that a few girls have been playing witches and that they have been disturbing a place best left alone; among them there's Agnes Nitt/Perdita, but the troublemaker is Lucy/Diamanda, who thinks she's a better witch than Granny !!!
I love every Terry Pratchett's Discworld book, but I really think they should be read in order, because not only things are better understandable that way, but also because Terry Pratchett is incredible in another thing. Not only he wrote many books never disappointing, but his writings gets better and better with each book.
The Discworld is a fantastic series, and the book with the witches are so great.
In this book, we see the men of Lancre improvising themself as actors and also dancing the Morris dance, we see a young Weatherwax, we have witches and wizards together, we see Magrat preparing herself for her marriage with the king, we see the people of Lancre reacting to Nanny having a bath :lol:
I really like Magrat, and I can understand her feeling hurt at Granny's treating her like a child, but in a way I can't understand how she became to be a witch, since self-confidence is so important in witches and she has so little of it. I think I should read again the first witches' books, to see if it says anything about it there, I don't remember it but maybe I've forgotten, who knows..

Ponder is still the least senior member of the staff of Unseen University (he's the Reader in invisible writings), and we meet Hodgesaaargh for the first time.
A few lines from this book: when the witches arrive:
_ They're back
_And everything's all right again
_For about five minutes.

_You stupid man - said Granny
_I do happen to be king, you know - said Verence reproachfully
_You stupid king, your majesty
_Thank you.


I also loved very much how Pratchett describes the beginning of the world:
_In the beginning, there was nothing, which exploded.
:lol: yep that's what happened :lol:

giovedì 15 maggio 2014

Carpe Jugulum - Discworld book n. 23

I just reread it, because I didn't remember it well enough to write about it. My memory is almost inexistent, just know this: I didn't even remember who Agnes Nitt was. How could I forget Agnes & Perdita, the girl with two minds, the witch who took over Magrat's cottage after she married the king? It's so very annoying, how I wish I had a good memory!!
Anyway, about this book; it's about vampires, or even worse is about vampyres, the worst kind: the kind that wants to eat you for dinner, the kind that likes to kill the inferior humans and demands that you are ok with it.
They come to Lancre invited by the King for the naming of her daughter, and plan to take hold of the country and make it their own, which means they want to own the people too. But we know Lancre, don't we? It's where witches Nanny Ogg, Agnes Nitt and now-Queen Magrat live, but most importantly is where Granny Weatherwax lives, THE witch, who is in a bit of a blue mood, thinking she wasn't invited to the important ceremony, but nevertheless being a witch she'll do what she has to do. She'll stop the bloodsuckers vampyres, whatever it takes.
Terry Pratchett writings is always wonderful, and it made me laugh Nanny Ogg's Monty Python reference. She didn't know, and if you were to tell her she'd say that they copied her, of course! She was talking about the Nac Mac Feegle and she reminded me of the Spanish Inquisition sketch, my favourite. I almost screamed when I read it.
I can't even remember if I noticed first time I read it, because I didn't remember anything about it, but then again my memory is so bad I probably wouldn't anyway, would I? Didn't even remember Magrat had a daughter at all!
Pity there was no mention of her in I shall wear midnight. It was said that Magrat would be attending the wedding, but no mention at all of where the baby was; well, the young girl actually, because she should be at least ten, by now.
I must admit that I don't quite understand everything the Feegles say in this book. I can well understand what Tiffany's Feegles say no problem, but these lot were really hard to understand!

Bits I loved most:
"their home went through space on the back of four huge elephants that in turn stood on the shell of a turtle that was as big as the world. The people of Lancre had heard of this. They thought it sounded about right. The world was obviously flat, although in Lancre itself the only truly flaat places were tables and the top of some people's heads, and certainly turtles could shift a fair load. Elephants, by all accounts, were pretty strong too. There didn't seem any major gaps in the thesis, so Lancrastians left it at that. It wasn't that they didn't take an interest in the world around them. On the contrary, they had a deep, personal and passionate involvement in it, but instead of asking, 'why are we here?' they asked, 'is it going to rain before the harvest?' "
"the philosopher might have marvelled that such a four-square people could give the world so many successful magical practitioners, being quite unaware that only those with their feet on rock can build castles in the air". This is a beautiful line.
"In Ghat they believe in vampire watermelons, although folklore is silent about what they believe about vampire watermelons. Possibly they suck back." :lol:

I really loved the moment towards the end when Magrat makes the tea, I think it says so much about them all. I love the witches, always, but that was such a lovely moment :-)

Snuff - Discworld book n. 39

This new Discworld book is all about Vimes, so it depends on how much you like him... Well, I do, yeah, of course, but not as much as many others. I saw the Patrician, which is always a good thing, but he doesn't even seems himself anymore. He's so amiable and chatty, so uncharacteristic of him. Not tyrant-like at all. In the very first page he's reading about goblins, so it's no surprise to anyone when goblins turn out to be at the very core of the book. Sam Vimes, at this point in time (book n.39 remember..) is a very important man, with lots of titles, but still thinking about himself as just a copper. Sybil and Sam leave the city to go to their country house on holiday. Soon he finds out that a goblin has been horribly murdered, and that's just the tip of the amount of things he's about to find out.
With some help from his loyal butler, he'll ignore for a while what is legal or illegal, and he'll sort out what is right and what is wrong.
And Sam Vimes never stops a chase until he gets his men.
It was so horrible, usually Pratchett makes me laugh and smile sweetly and happily (so hard these days, not many things can do that), but when he wants to he can make me cry or make my heart ache. This time, the story of the horrible things they did, of all that suffering really touched me deeply, it was... very painful.
Then in the middle of all that comes out six years old Sam Vimes junior, giving a lesson to all the stupid humans in the world, being it Disc or Round.
It always astounds me how he manages to write so well, every word is perfect; he can bring you with him wherever he wants.
Talking about me, I'm totally defenseless.
Reading his books is a test on how much I can control my emotions, expecially if I read in public. Sometimes I fail and laugh out loud to the astonishment of other people who think I'm mad, sometimes I found myself on the very edge of an ocean of tears, that I must fight them back or people will really look at me in a funny way. I wouldn't believe it possible, if I didn't know for sure that it's not a one time thing. His writings is always special.

lunedì 12 maggio 2014

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip - I was disappointed

When I first read they were doing this new series I was happy: Matthew Perry and Bradley Whitford together in a brilliant and funny series: WOW I thought. I kept on thinking that for a couple of episodes, than I stopped. It's the story of the creation and behind the scenes of a Saturday Night Live kind of show. Danny (Bradley Whitford) is the director, and Matt (Matthew Perry) is the executive producer - meaning head writer. Matt is in love with head actress Harriett, but the two of them keep breaking up, get together, breaking up again.. every time they see each other they fight, showering us with endless teological talks because she's a christian and he's atheist.
Danny's character would soon be without interest, given that he has little to do, so they made him fall in love with Jordan, the new network president (Amanda Peet)
.The beginning was nice, it gave me hope, but it soon lost itself: it should have been the creation of a comedy show, but I saw very little comedy, instead it turns on the dramatic. The big friendship between Matt and Danny was a major point, but they soon forgot about it. I'm not surprised they never made a second series. It disappointed all the hope I had for it. I'm not saying it was badly done, or a bad show, but it wasn't what it was supposed to be. Where was the comedy part of the comedy show? They keep talking about it, but they never show anything. This was what disappointed me the most.
There's an episode when they talk of how badly the audience responded to the sketch of one of the actresses, and they give us a boring and unrequested lesson on Italian "Commedia dell'Arte", but they don't show us the sketch, so we can't judge it for ourselves. That's too easy! To say that you wrote a laugh-out-loud sketch but not showing it to anyone, to say that it wasn't apprediated because the audience is so ignorant they didn't understand it. It's too easy, that way. If you talk so much of a comedy show, then you should show me some comedy! This was the major problem. I saw little comedy, but I saw a lot of talks about how intelligent they are, comedy geniuses, a lot of pointless fights between the two lovers, the final drama of an actor's brother victim of an hostage situation, which again was resolved too easily, without showing us anything. They just say "it's ok now, he's been saved, he's safe now" and that's it.
The annoying thing is that I liked the actors, the characters weren't bad either, it could have been something really good, instead it seems to me that creator Aaron Sorkin, described in the magazines as the genius who created The West Wing, with Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip wanted to tell us : I'm such a genius that I don't need to show anyone what I can do because you wouldn't understand it anyway, because I'm so intelligent and you're all stupid.
I didn't appreciate that, and since it never got renewd for a second season I guess I wasn't the only one.

There were a lot of guest stars, such as Sting, Eli Wallach, John Goodman, Felicity Huffman, and Lauren Graham.

2 fast 2 furious - the first one was better

Still, there are a lot of new shiny and colourful cars!!
This time there's barely any plot at all, and that little is ridicolous. Brian (Paul Walker again) is arrested by the FBI because of what happened in the first film, and is given a deal: freedom in exchange for his help. Again.
Obviously he accepts and demands the help of his (sort of ) friend Roman (Tyrese Gibson).
But the FBI doesn't trust them at all, and because of this almost ruins everything.
Eva Mendes is also part of the cast, because that is how it works, right? Fast cars & beautiful women, is the thing, right? And beautiful she is, no doubt, and for such a film as this it is all that's requested.
Ok, now I've watched it, but since the thing fast-cars/beautiful-women has no appeal at all to me, I'm pretty sure I'm never gonna watch it again.

Still, a bit more plot details:
Brian is now ex-LAPD. He races for money. There’s  also a Japanese girls team, and they have roads so big that four cars race at once. First race to start the movie and get in the mood: Brian wins, the black guy crashes, the Japanese girl comes second, and the Spanish guy stops the car and doesn’t jump the bridge. 
He runs when the police arrive, but they get him. 
They wanted him.
Now they’re in Florida. They tell him of a guy getting drugs into Miami, a year’s surveillance and they got nothing. He accepts on the condition he chooses his partner, the other driver. He’s on house arrest now… in theory. They fight a bit at first, Roman blames him for the three years he did in prison.
Brian tells him if he accepts “they’ll take off that anklet and they’ll clear your entire record”.
To get the job with the dealer they have to beat the other drivers, and the cops think they’re running and almost ruin it all. They’d been given cars full with gps trackers, so they change cars. So they race for cars.
Suki is part of the movie too, cool.

When a cop doesn’t want to sell himself anymore, Verone the dealer sort of tortures him with a rat while they have to watch, Monica (Mendes) even has to help, since she’s ‘with Verone’. 
The cop yields of course, and they have 15 minutes free of cops for their job for the boss.
Monica sneaks into Brian’s room (boat) to tell him that Verone wants to kill him as soon as he finishes the race. Brian’s old boss would like to stop it all, but the other cops (FBI I think) doesn’t care for that.

The local police gives them trouble, not kowing of the fbi operation, but they go on. 
The fbi is ready to bust Verone as soon as he gets the money our guys are carrying. To escape the Miami police, they stop at a place where they arrange for lots and lots of race cars to be there, so they’re lost in the numbers. 
Not just that, but Brian and Roman exchanged cars with Tej and Suki (Tej is the one organizing all the races…)
Roman ejects from his car Verone’s man, but Brian doesn’t because he learns that they’re not going where he thought they were going (point is, the fbi guys kept thinking they betrayed and so move too fast, getting nothing). Roman went to their meeting point, but Brian goes on because nobody knows where Verone is, and Monica is alone with him. Roman will come too, but Verone is angry about the agents who stormed his jet. Because of that, because Monica knew about the jet, Verone knows about her. 
A man is ordered to kill Brian, but Roman helps him.
Verone sails away with Monica. Brian jumps with his car onto the boat. Roman has a gun, Monica takes Verone’s. They got him.
The fbi tells them that their records are now clean.
Our guys kept some of the money when they gave the bags, the six bags, to the fbi, and they plan to open a garage in Miami. 
The end.
Brian— Paul Walker
Roman— Tyrese
Monica— Eva Mendes
Verone— Cole Hauser
Tej— Chris ‘Ludacris’ Bridges
Bilkins— Thom Barry (Brian’s old boss, nice)
Suki— Devon Aoki

The fast and the furious - (2001) - nice cars

No doubt about it, if you love shiny and colourful and let's not forget very very fast cars, then you'll have a lot to watch here. I still don't get, though, why nobody was annoyed that ALL characters living in that world turn out to be criminal, more or less bad, in the end. However, this first film has some kind of plot: there have been robberies, so agent Brian (Paul Walker) is sent to infiltrate this world of illegal street racers to found out the thieves. He befriends Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) and starts going out with his sister Mia (Jordana Brewster). For this reason he doesn't want to accept the idea that Dominic is the thieves' leader, like his bosses keep telling him.
That's it. No surprising switch, no overwhelming emotions... just a lot of nice colourful cars and Vin Diesel. There's also Michelle Rodriguez, a tough girl in love with Dominic.
The end.

Edit for a bit more plot details:
Brian is an undercover officer, there’s been lots of assaults on trucks, stealing all their stuff. Brian meets Mia, though, and he likes her. Then he acts to become friends with her brother Dom. He tells his boss that it’s not Dom (because he doesn’t want to believe it’s him) but after they make a big arrest on the Asian gang, but after they break into their houses and get them all, it turns out it’s not them, and he’s forced to accept the idea that it’s Dom. They give him only two days to find proof, so he forces his hand. He tells Dom that he knowshe has something big going on, because there’s no way he can pay for all they put in their racing cars with just his work at his garage. Dom wants to see him at RaceWars first, and he goes but has no time to compete. Letty wins, but Jesse loses, and he bet his car. 
Right after that, Dom gathers his gang (not Mia or Brian) to do another ‘job’, not listening to anything the others say. Letty has a bad feeling, Mia yells at him not to do it, but whatever anyone says he just says Shut up, and they all follow him. It’s not good, because the truck drivers have had enough, so even if there’s not any police around, this driver has a shotgun and knows how to use it. Letty’s car crashes so Leon stops to help her. Vince jumped on the truck and got shot, but Dom can’t help him because he’s out too, like Letty. Luckily Brian followed them, telling Mia that he’s a cop and asking his contacts to trace Dom’s phone. (And although they’re all racing like mad, he manages to catch up with them and get Vince out of that truck, who drives away after they stop.
Vince is badly hurt, though, so Brian calls for help, thus revealing to Dom too that he’s a cop. 
An helicopter arrives to take Vince away. Dom and Leon go away, and Mia is torn between going with Dom or staying with Brian, but family is family, and she drives away with Dom.

Jesse ran away in a panic, and Johnny wants his car. When he accused Dom of getting the cops on him, Dom hit him until people managed to get him off. Now Brian tries to stop Dom, gun in hand, but Dom insists he has to find Jesse before Johnny does. Jesse arrives then, and they start talking, Jesse asks for help, but then two bikes arrive, they shoot and they get Jesse.
Dom doesn’t get hit because he’s like Neo…

Brian drives after them. Dom too. Dom stops one, and Brian the other. This one dies, I think. 
Dom  and Brian then race each other until Dom has an accident. Brian gives him his car so he can get away.  
And it ends like this, on this scene. Dom drives away and Brian walks away.

Dom told Brian about the time he beat a guy so badly he got time in prison, and is now banned from racing. He said :”I live my life a quarter mile at a time”. 
He finally got a date with Mia, they really like each other, and sleep together. She’s quite angry when he tells her he’s a cop, but goes with him to help Dom. 

There’s another scene after all the ending credits: Dom is in Mexico, driving away, and his voice over repeats the quarter mile line, and that for those ten seconds he’s free… 
And that’s it… really? No family? No Letty or Mia? What about Vince, did they manage to save him or did he die? WWho knows…

Brian— Paul Walker
Dom—Vin Diesel
Letty—Michelle Rodriguez
Mia—Jordana Brewster
Johnny Tran—Rick Yune
Jesse—Chad Lindberg
Leon—Johnny Strong
Vince— Matt Schulze
Sgt Tanner— Ted Levine

domenica 11 maggio 2014

Eurovision song contest 2014 & Conchita Wurst - ok not a film but I just watched it..

And I do agree on the winner. Some say it should have been a song contest, not about politics, and I do agree on this too. For me it was about the songs. I liked Conchita Wurst's song a lot, as well as how she sang it. From where I stand, not voting her would have been about the beard. Voting her was about the song. Supporting homosexual rights seems to me no different than being a feminist. What it really means is that everyone should be judged on what they can do, not on their sex gender or sexual preferences. And she can sing, indeed. I read of people critizing this year's choice of winner without even having heard the song first. They should just shut it. It's the same as saying a girl can't do a certain job just because she's a girl, without previously checking if she can actually do it or not. This problem too is still out there.
I can never understand why some people are so judgemental without reason, it's really beyond me to understand this. Some people would just take every easy excuse they can find to throw s**t at others, just for the sake of doing it. Sometimes I thing they're stupid, sometimes I think they're bad inside, sometimes I think they're just pathetic, worthless cowards, who think they're better than others because they're men or straight. I think that probably if these haters have to go to such lenghs to prove they're worth something, it means deep inside they know or they think they are not, therefore they can't prove it any other way.
It would be such a better world if people stopped spreading hate. Plus if someone hates a person just for loving another person of the same sex, they're in the wrong right there, no need of great arguments. I am a simple girl, not too bright, but still I always thought, can't help it, that love was good and hate was bad.
So many capable women have to fight hard to prove themselves, and so many people have to hide their love or justify it, as if love could be a bad thing. When I see these things I feel like this world is so wrong, I have to constantly remind myself that not all people are haters, not all people are bad, not all people are so quick to judge others for the wrong reasons; I have to, just to be able to live in it.

About the other songs, I liked :

  • Montenegro, good song and good show. Really liked the skating girl. 
  • Sweden, great voice.
  • Hungary, liked the song and the dance.
I liked Poland's song too, another one not singing in English.
My favourite choice for a Eurovision contest would always be a song half in English and half in their original language, though.
Romania, Germany, San Marino and Slovenia's songs were nice too.
I didn't understand a word the French woman said, or why they couldn't find someone that could speak English. Everyone else tried their best to do it.
Anyway Denmark put on a very good show!!

sabato 10 maggio 2014

Crimen ferpecto - (it's not a typo, it's correct) funny spanish black comedy

Funny and in a way a bit scary sometimes :lol: It's the story of Rafael aka Guillermo Toledo, charming, successul, the best salesman there is, super confident with a great success with women. He works in a the biggest department store in Madrid, selling women's clothing, and he wants a promotion, but he has a rival. He loses to him because of an uncovered cheque given by a woman who he sort of tricked. Well, she didn't want to buy, but he understands people and talked to her and lied to her until he convinced her to buy a very expensive fur coat. It turned out his husband bank account didn't have all that money. He's so angry that when she returns the coat he shouts at her and insults her in front of everybody. Don Antonio, who got the position of floor manager instead of him, has now the perfect excuse to fire him. They fight and inadvertently Rafael kills Don Antonio by hanging him by the neck in the changing room.
Panic! He doesn't know what to do, it was an accident, he didn't want to, but what can he do now? He later finds out that the body has disappeared, and that a woman working on the same floor had for the moment disposed of it. She knows everything, and starts blackmailing him, in a way. She threatens to tell her story to the police if he doesn't do what she wants, which is go out with her, meet her nut family, she even wants him to marry her! She's the ugliest woman in the store, and despite having worked on the same floor for years, he doesn't even know her name. He completely ignored her until now, but he can't any more. She 's called Lourdes, played by Monica Cervera, and in a way you kind of feel for her, being so totally ignored as if she didn't exist only because she doesn't look like a top-model like the others, but on the other hand she's a kind of psycopath, really, and he perfectly understands she's to be taken seriously when he sees her chopping up the corpse without esitation!
He can't escape, so he starts planning a 'perfect crime' to get rid of her...
You must watch this film. I won't tell you the ending because you must see it.

Julie & Julia - nice...

We follow two different storylines: in 1942 we have Julia aka Meryl Streep, an american woman now living in Paris who loves eating more than anything, and will make a job out of it - first:she learns to cooks, than she writes about it, then she'll talk about it on tv. In modern days than there's Julie, with a stressing job but mostly with b*tch friends, that we saw just once on a lunch date very sex-and-the-city-style. Fortunately she also has a good boyfriend. She wanted to be a writer in life, he says you are! but she says: you're not until you get published, but he's very nice and loves her, and says to her: you love writing, so write! Write about something you really like. For God knows what reason she actually had to think about it. I mean, when she's in the house, she's always cooking, she says she loves it, that it's relaxing, and now she has to think about it!
She gets there eventually and decides to make all the recipes in Julia's book in a year worth of time, and write about it in a blog.
It was a nice movie, all in all, maybe sometimes she speaks too much, but it's nice , simple, not stressing; you won't be rolling on the floor laughing and you won't be in floods of tears either. Yes, they fight and then they make up because they do love each other, but watching it you really do know this, so you're not worried.
Meryl Streep is Meryl Streep, no need to say anything on this. Her husband is Stanley Tucci, and this is a good thing is like me you like a bit of Stanley Tucci in your movies! :-)
It's a Nora Ephron film, and Julie is Amy Adams. I like the ending, nice and quiet like the rest of the film.
ENDING about to be revealed. I say just in case you want to stop reading. Well, if anyone will ever read this, of course.  Anyway, a good warning never hurts anyone.
In the end, Julie learns that Julia has actually heard about her blog; we don't know if she's read it or not, but it would appear that she doesn't like it. Despite this, Julie finishes her blog, and realizes that even if the two of them never meet, what's important is that she did it! She finished it, and she found a friend in the imaginary Julia she used to talk to when she was cooking. It doesn't matter is she was or not the real Julia. It's her Julia, and she keeps loving her. Good!
It all ends well, her life is better now, she's more satisfied, and all is well.
I could rewatch it, if I wanted a nice quiet night home.

The mortal instruments: city of bones - 2013

First of all, I haven't read the books. Had I done so, and had I liked them, I'd probably watched this movie in a different way, with some kind of attachment for the characters. As it is, I didn't feel anything for them, I just couldn't connect.

Plot: Clary is a teenage girl, and lately she feels strange, she draws over and over the same symbol as if in trance. One day in a club she sees a guy killing a man, but she's the only one that could see them. When she finds herself in trouble, is that same guy that saves her, and subsiquently explains that he's a shadowhunter, he fights demons, and she's a shadowhunter too. No surprise that the two of them have immediately a crush on one another, who would have thought, uh? It must be some kind of universal law that rescuer and rescued must fall for each other, always, it never happens that he loves someone else, or that she falls for his friend instead of him.. no, not if he's the rescuer and she's the rescued! They must fall for each other!

Actually this could explain why all rescued fairytale princesses are so beautiful. If they are not they don't get rescued to avoid having to marry her... Anyway, it turns out they could very probably be brother and sister, but they don't want to believe it  because they want to stay together!

I think the problem for me was that I didn't feel anything for the characters, none of them. I'm not talking about actors, I don't know them enough, I'm talking characters, and they were so plain and without any density at all... maybe if I was a teenager myself I would have watched it with different eyes, but alas I'm not anymore, so I found it plain and a bit boring, yes. Good special effetcs, nice fights, and I liked the fact that she fights using runes on her skin. I admit that was cool, but it always annoys me when all the nice secondary characters get killed and forgotten and it's an happy ending if just the protagonists survive.

In the end, I don't really care for this movie, I'd be bored watching it again, so I don't think I will.

Well, I forgot I wrote about it already so I rewatched it... here it is, in more details:

20 February 2021

Now that I’ve seen two seasons of the series, and I understand the story, I’m rewatching this movie. It’s… better than the first time I saw it, yes, but it still feels incomplete, and there’s lots of things left unsaid, and it focuses only on Clary and Jace yet again, and it is difficult to follow if you don’t already know the story. A movie should be understandable by everyone, not only by book fans, and although some scenes may be cool, it is not right to spend much time for them if the story pays the price. We have scenes that show us the shadow world, and then big fights, and lots of bats flying around, but then it is not clear why Simon doesn’t need his glasses anymore after being bitten by a vampire, since he’s not superstrong and can walk during the day. It’s not clear what Jocelyn drank or why or how she’ll wake up or where is she at the end, can normal doctors really care for her now?

We don’t see Magnus doing anything, we’re told is the most powerful warlock and yet he doesn’t do a thing (one chat with Clary and then we know he heals Alec, but we never see him doing anything). He was cute and cool though. Even more shame we didn’t see more of him. 

Why Valentine wanted the cup so much? Why Clary is so powerful? Many things in this movie are not told or overlooked, and yet they spent a lot of time having Isabelle and Simon running around, showing us lots of bats invading the place, the long fight between Jace and Valentine, and stuff like that, and of course the flowers blossoming to make it romantic for Clary and Jace to kiss… 

Conclusion, not a good movie, no.


It starts like a short version of the series: Clary goes out with Simon who is like a brother to her but who is actually in love with her. Her mom is with Luke, and against his advice she insists Clary is not ready for the truth. At a club, Clary sees people fighting and three of them killing another guy and freaks out. She keeps writing the same symbol over and over and thinks she’s losing her mind.

Two guys attack Jocelyn is search of the Cup, and she fights back then she drinks something. Clary runs home to find her home a mess, and a demon dog that she tries to kill setting the kitchen on fire, but it doesn’t work and the blond from the club comes to save her.

Her neighbour Dorothea is a witch and tells her her memories have been blocked. 

With Jace and Simon, she goes to Luke and the same two guys are asking him about the cup and beating him. Luke says he didn’t care about Jocelyn, so they run, Jace kills two demon-cops and takes them to the Institute. They heal her with a rune. She learns her mom was a shadowhunter too. Hodge, the old man who runs the institute, talks to her, tells her that Valentine and his followers stole the cup to make more shadowhunters, but he didn’t want peace really, he wanted to rule, he made experiments even on himself, so she stole the cup and ran.

They take Clary to the silent brothers, thinking maybe she knows where the cup is but can’t remember. The city of bones is where all shadowhunters are buried. Clary sees images of herself as a child but can’t remember still, so they take her to Bane. Clary understands Alec doesn’t like and how he feels about Jace, but apparently that’s against Clave rules or something.

Magnus kinds flirts with Alec then tells Clary that her mom had him put spells on her so she would forget, but she must run because vampires took Simon. They get weapons from a church and they go rescue Simon from a place full of vampires, and have to fight lots of them, but there’s really too many, then werewolves come to their rescue but Clary hurts one of them even if it just saved her. 

Simon doesn’t need his glasses anymore and files it as just ‘weird’. 

She spends time with Jace, talking about music, her birthday, emotions, and Jace’s falcon story about how his dad killed it, justifying his actions. They kiss passionately then they fight about Simon. Simon is jealous and confesses to love her, then goes away. 

She realises she has the power to make things flat like drawings and then get them back, like her mother could. She understands the cup is in one of the tarot cards and she gets it from Dorothea right before she turns into a demon and attacks her, and takes the cup. Simon comes and helps, so Jace can kill her and they get the cup back. They hug and make up.

Alec was badly hurt by the demon so they take him to the institute. Clary gives the cup to Hodge and he opens the portal, and Valentine steps through and Hodge gives him the cup. Clary learns she’s his daughter. He wants her to drink something but instead she puts the cup back in the tarot card and runs through the portal to her mother. Instead she meets a demon child but a werewolf once again saves her, and it’s Luke.

Hodge tells Valentine to lie to her to break her heart, to tell her that the one she wants is her brother…

Magnus comes to help save Alec. Hodge and Valentine summon demons inside the institute.

Luke tells her that Valentine let Jocelyn believe he killed himself and their son, Jonathan Christopher, while Valentine tells Jace he’s his father.

Jocelyn is suddenly at the institute, so Clary and Luke and all werewolves go there.

Surrounded by demons, Clary uses Isabelle’s stele to draw a rune on her hand that freezes the demons, a rune not in the book. Luke stays behind to fight the demons (all his poor werewolves die). Valentine tells Clary Jace is her brother. then Jace fights him when he hurts Clary.

Hodge now helps Isabelle and Simon fight and closes off the institute. Clary gives the cup to Valentine before pushing him through the portal thinking he’ll get lost in limbo, or something, but she uses Jace’s stele to freeze the portal, but he breaks it… ? Or something, there’s an explosion then the portal is gone and the place looks like under a snowfall. She gave Valentine a replica of the cup, actually.

Jocelyn is now in a sort of coma, and Clary uses runes to put her home back together. She finds it difficult to be around Jace now, but he says they need her so she goes with him. 

And it ends like this, without telling us if Magnus successfully healed Alec or if they rid the institute of all demons (we can guess yes, but we’re not told anything).

So many things left unsaid, this whole movie feels like a part one, not a complete story.

ITA shadowhunters - città di ossa

Clary- Lily Collins

Jace- Jamie Campbell Bower

Alec- Kevin Zegers

Isabelle- Jemima West

Simon- Robert Sheehan

Magnus- Godfrey Gao

Jocelyn- Lena Headey

Hodge- Jared Harris

Valentine- Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Luke- Aidan Turner

Dorothea- Cch Puonder

The last stand - Schwarzenegger's back!

I wasn't expecting much from this movie, really, because it's an action-movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger and I thought it would be exaggerated, you know, I thought probably even more than some Bruce Willis movies, where he can be shot or wounded or anything and he keeps going on fighting and kicking like nothing happened. Instead I appreciated it.
Plot in few words: there's a drug-lord powerful and rich enough to buy for himself the help of every criminal he wants, so he manages to escape and run away, driving a superfast car and they can't catch him, but we all know that the most important thing in life is not money, is LUCK, and guess who's the sheriff of the little border town that will be the last stand?? Schwarzy, of course. Very bad luck, your drug-lordshit.
As you can imagine is Arnold Schwarzenegger's character decides he wants to stop someone, he'll stop him!
It's wasn't bad at all, although I'd have avoided boring old jokes like the one about the mayor's car (I don't wanna see a scratch on it! and in the end I'm not even sure it has all its wheels..). Schwarzenegger character's nice, not arrogant, not annoying, just a nice old cop who decided to leave the big city and move to a quiet nice little town. When trouble arise he's not happy ( "I'm too old for this" :-D) but he's the sheriff so he'll deal with it, right in the face of FBI agents who think they're the only one capable of anything, and that in small rural town there are only inepts. The FBI boss is Forest Whitaker, but I kind of think they called him in to add a big name to the movie, because he's role is quite small. But he's good anyway.
Concluding, if you like the genre action-shooting-fighting-mess it's not bad at all. I could watch it again no problem!

Fantastic Four - a bit absurd maybe

It's not a bad movie, we have Stan Lee as always, and the characters are pretty much like in the comics: Johnny is handsome silly and irresponsible, and his sisters is always shouting at him; Sue is... to say the truth, in the movie is not really explored her character, they pretty much concentrate on her power and her relationship with Reed and Viktor; Reed is supposedly the smart one, although you tell me: he loves her but he lets her go away because she wanted to live together, and when they meet again he says how happy he is that she's with Viktor, and that he thinks Viktor is perfect for her...  seriously you call this smart? I call it infuriatingly stupid, who needs a slap in the face to wake him up a bit, but yeah I admit he knows a lot about science; Ben has a few scenes in human form, and when he's The Thing he has a sort of orange rubber costume on that looks very much like the comics, in a way too much. It should look like rock, not like rubber. When I look at him I should think he's made of rock, but it's impossible, it looks too much like rubber. Everything goes as if in a comics book: Ben stops a truck with his shoulder, the thing is kind of destroyed but the driver is not even scratched; to make their way into the crowd was it really necessary for Sue to strip down to her underwear? No it wasn't, if they wanted so much to show Jessica Alba in her underwear they could have come up withsomething better. And if you're going to say: well they needed to show her power, since every one of them is showing it in front of everybody, still I think they should have come up with a better plan, one that actually made sense.
Ben shows his strengh as I said before, Reed saves a man who's falling off the bridge by stretching halfway down and catching him, I guess that when getting back to his normal height he doesn't feel the weight of the man in his arms? Must be heavy, a grown man like that. Johnny save a little girl about to get hit by an explosion, all three of them saves someone, and Sue does a streaptease!
I didn't like the whole scene when Debbie leaves Ben, and they made it as if she left him because of his appearance, but it's not, he's made of stone! They can't even hold hands!
I think they couldn't really decide what they wanted out of it, they had better make a clear decision. Let me explain using Batman as example: they either could do a very  cinema-like film, like Nolan, or they could do a very comic-like thing like Burton. Both great because clear about what they are. I like them both. In this movie too they should have made a clear decision. But they didn't, and it turned out to be a comic pretending to be real, as if we would believe it.
Well, I could rewatch a tv re-run, but I certainly won't go looking for it.

martedì 6 maggio 2014

Music & Lyrics - 2007

He plays Alex, a singer and songwiter who was part of the pop group "Pop" - yeah - and the film starts with a videoclip very 80s style of the song 'pop goes my heart', one of their biggest hits :-) It's a nice video, fun to watch, really, just like the rest of the movie. I liked it, nothing too moving or too funny or too romantic, but a little bit of everything. There's Drew Barrimore too, playing Sophie, a wanna-be-writer who ended up working for her sister and one day even for Alex, to take care of his plants. No metaphor here, I assure you. He has living plants in his apartment, that is to say they were living plants until Sophie took care of them, now are just late-plants.
To give his career another chance, Alex has to write a new song. He writes the music, and needs someone to write the lyrics, of course. He works while Sophie waters the plant and she starts singing improvised words out loud. It would appear our Sophie is a born-lyricist who doesn't wanna hear about becoming one, who doesn't really think her talent is worth something, but nonetheless won't esitate to sing in the house of a man she doesn't know and who is actually working. My only explanation for this is that Sophie just won't shut up, ever. She's really not capable of shutting up, so when lyrics came into her head she had to get them out.
They start working together, but mostly they talk, about everything, especially themselves, well maybe especially about Sophie is more correct. They fall in love, no surprise there of course, but he won't admit it and she's upset about it, so she leaves him. So he writes a new song all on his own to win her back, and it's a very simple song, nothing that would win an oscar, but it's nice if you listen to the words. My favourite line is "dispite the fact that you killed all my plants" :lol:
It all ends with music and a lot of kisses :-)
Don't go away without looking at the credits: you'll have a chance to listen again to the big hit 'pop goes my heart' :lol and you'll read about what happens after to the characters.
It's nothing more than a nice simple film, but I watched it the other day for the second time and liked it as the first. Still nice, not bored of it. That's a good thing :-D
ITA scrivimi una canzone

I shall wear midnight – Discworld book n. 38

I don’t understand why they say “for younger readers” ,I just finished it, and it doesn’t look any different from the other books to me, and I love it as one of the many of my favourites :-D
Tiffany is growing up, she’s 16 now, and she’s officially a witch. She has her hat and everything. Well, she doesn’t wear black of course, she’s still the young Tiffany we know, but nevertheless a witch. She has a lot to deal with: everyday caring of the village people, Roland marrying someone else, and a mysterious and ancient enemy of the witches is back and wants her to burn!
Will she be able to defeat him or will she run to Granny asking for help? Don’t answer, of course you know, that’s a retorical question.
We see the Nac Mac Feegle of course, and we follow Tiffany during her visit to Ankh-Morpork and her hard time at home when everybody seems to turn on her…
Oh I love this book, and its ending. Don’t go looking before time!! You’ll ruin it. Be patient and wait for it, if you’ve read the other Tiffany books you know it’s worth it, Remember how beautiful “A hat full of sky” ending was? In its different way, this is too.
I really love Pratchett’s writing, each and every word is in the right place. It’s amazing after so many books!!
A bit of SPOILERS now.
Roland new wife-to-be is the watercolours-girl J and she turns out to be not that bad at all, a noble who made friends with the ghosts in her old house J But Tiffany was never really in love with Roland, she was just a child, now she’s growing up and other things awaits her, like a young man with a love for words…
In Ankh-Morpork we visit the famous shop Boffo, and we meet no others than Eskarina!!! Can you remember her? I’m not sure I understand why she’s old, she was just a child, but maybe it’s just a trousers-of-time complicated problem.

In the city we meet Carrot and Angua, too. Back in the country we are sooner or later joined by Granny and Nanny. A bit sorry I didn’t get to see Magrat, as per say, because we know she was there too, with her husband the King. I wanted to meet her, I miss Magrat.
Ending SPOILERS here. don't read it if you haven't finished the book.
The ending is very simple, but nontheless beautiful. After a year, at the country fair, she walks around without the hat, to be just Tiffany Aching for a day, and meets Preston again. When he says in his joyful way "what is the sound of love?" because they share a love for words and think that words have a definite sound about them, we read that the town has gone silent, she looks in his eyes and everything turns silent, the birds stop singing and everything. It ends with her saying : Listen. It's beautiful isn't it? I mean, it could seem a mushy thing for a man to write or a female character to say, but not if you remember that Tiffany is only 17 now and this is her first real romance. For a 17 year old girl with her first boyfriend it's just what it should be: the world vanishing when she looks in his eyes, no sound at all. That's what Listen means, isn't it? That there is nothing else in the world but the two of them :-)

sabato 3 maggio 2014

Broadchurch season 1 - both heartbreaking and thrilling

I watched the first two episodes, and it really is a good show as I had heard, and the discovery of this young boy's body is heartbreaking. Follows step by step the investigation to find out who did it.
SPOILERS just to warn you that I want to go into details:
the first episode is all about knowing the city and the discovery of the body, and how people first react at the news. Ellie's son immediately deletes all messages from poor Danny, being careful not to be seen, and this creates curiosity. Why? to protect someone? or were the two of them doing something that grown-ups shouldn't know? We'll see. He certainly didn't kill him, "big hands" and he's 11 so..
The sister looks a bit of an idiot, going to the beach without telling anyone to leave a toy there, not thinking that she may be seen, and she even looks surprise when Danny's name comes out! But then, given the circumstances, she's probably non thinking straight, is she?
And everybody's face looks like the face of someone hiding secrets.
Let's not talk about the journalists Olly and Karen because I'm starting to hate them already!
Episode 2. a lot of things happening here. Money found in Danny's room, that's still not been cleared up.
Cocaine in Choe's room and she says I don't deal it, I was just passing it on. Okay she is an idiot then, the fact that she's 15 isn't an excuse for not considering it dealing! It turnes out she had it for Becca of the hotel, and what does Becca say? She wanted it to give it to some guests so she asked Chloe if she knew where to find it! Of course, you need drugs, go and ask the 15 year old girl to give you some! Oh God!
Did she knew that Chloe's friend Dean could find it?
The episode ends with suspicions rising around Danny's father, and I hope in next ep I will see why he's so reluctant to tell the truth, what he's hiding...
The story is obviously heartbreaking, even more so because the show is so well done, and since it all goes around just one story, it has all the time needed to focus on every character, and all the different feelings. So different from all the crime shows that deal with one different murder every episode.
David's character is so grumpy and tortured inside that I'm all like 'Sweetie, what's eating you up??'
I can't wait to see the next episodes...

the other six episodes:
I just talked about episodes one and two, now I've seen the rest of the series. Of the first one, because I read that they're doing the second!!! Hooray!! As soon as it finished, my first thought before anything else was: they must do a second series!!
Since it's the same crime for the whole series, as I've already told before, things go on quite slowly,as they should. And it was great. It was only deep into the second half of the show that I started having suspicions. (At the beginning I didn't even try, had no clue at all).
now with some spoilers, so be warned.
episode three: Mark is an idiot, let me tell you. Maybe that's why his daughter is an idiot too. Anyway, it was obvious it couldn't be him, if not for anything else at least because we are only at the beginning of it. But he wouldn't say where he was, and we know he lied to his wife. The natural answer is not "than it's him,he killed his son" NO, not at all. The right answer is the most obvious one. Why do men lie to their wife? Why a married man wouldn't say where he was? He was with another woman, of course. He wanted something new and different, the same annoying, infuriating explanation. An empty house all for yourself would be something new, don't you think? But this is my reaction, not the wife's.
Then Miller asks Hardy over for dinner, "because that's what people do" I love Miller! I mean, the reason I wanted so much to watch this was because of David Tennant, but I have to say Olivia Colman is great. Why? Because while you watch it, you don't even realise it. She's SO natural, it seems so real; it's not that easy at all, since very few people can do it. And she won a BAFTA for this role! Very well deserved, even if I suspect  that they mostly based their decision on the ending, when she breaks down, and has to deal with a very difficult situation. But not for me. Every moment was great, because you didn't even notice she was acting. That's great.
Karen and Hardy fight, he says she ruined his life, she says he ruined a case. I'm obviously on David Tennant's side, so back off girl. It's useless to try and make me think that you're not a heartless journalist, but that you are in fact on the family's side. As if I could really believe that!
episode 4: Hardy goes to Miller's house for dinner, all nervous, not knowing what to say,but in the end it ends up okay, him and Mr Miller having a laugh.
Then they got me worried when Hardy goes to the hospital.
the rest of the episodes. The way the city turned on Jack is as disgusting as it is realistic. I mean, I don't approve of what he did years before, doesn't matter if they marrried afterwards. But here and now there is nothing against him. They destroyed him simply because it was easy.
My poor Alec was so lonely, I wanted to hug him!
I can't stand Chloe, I've said it already I think, I don't like her, although I admit the scene when her boyfriend explains about the "happy room for Chloe", that was a nice moment.
Susan's story is important because it leads to Ellie Miller saying to her, before letting her go: How could you not know? and in the end it turns out she herself didn't know a lot! It's easy to judge other people on things you know nothing about, isn't it?
The end of course was so emotional. When I say Miller and  Hardy sitting on a bench talking of going away, I was screaming for a second series. They are great together, I'm so glad they're doing it!!!

OUAT 1x02 The thing you love most - unclear parallels with s3

This episode is all about how the evil queen managed to cast the curse in the past and the battle between Regina and Emma in the present.
Another good episode, Henry is still 10 and sweet, the scene when MaryMargaret says Henry thinks she's SnowWhite to Emma is lovely, because if Emma believed she could accept that she's finally found her mom :-) But of course she doesn't. :p In the same way it's so sweet when MM says she trusts her. As long as she knows she just met her, and it's sweet that even if they don't know why they still feel a connection.
The scene between the evil queen and Rumple is great, I really love the way he says the final line "you know what you love, now go and kill it".
And of course the end. I always love when Mr Gold and Regina have a scene together :-D but why Gold went to Regina, if he didn't want her to know he remembers? He keeps pretending that he doesn't, in 1x12 she has to 'insists' to get the truth out of him, and yet he goes to her saying things like "to which deal are you referring?" and however she chose the name Henry, and the Please... of course she suspects. It's incredible she still has doubts, in fact. It takes her 10 episodes to decide she thinks he's rumple and she wants to be sure he knows it. Maybe Gold simply couldn't resist to play with her :-)
I've watched this episode at least three times, if not more. :-)

Bit of SPOILERS here, because I want to talk of a particular thing of series 3, so be warned.
To cast the curse, the evil queen need a lock of hair from the people with the darkest souls, and the heart of the thing she loves most, and they'll not only be transported to another land, a land without magic, this land, but also lose all their memories, as an important part of the plan, in a way the most important part.
In season 3, not only Pan doesn't need the lock of hair, but also kind of change the heart thing, because the heart he uses if from his only loyal companion, but that's stretching it a bit don't you think? Because Pan only likes him in the way that he's the only one willing to help him, but Pan doesn't love him. Pan only loves himself! Then Snow cast the curse to come here, and this again is puzzling, because
1 again, apparently she doesn't need the lock of hair either, like Pan.
2 they are all convinced that they will remember everything, once they get here, and it's only because of Zelena if they actually don't. But I thought the memory loss was part of the curse, so..... ???
3 how come they always end up here? I mean, the first time it was because this was the only land without magic , and Rumple needed to come here, but now there is magic in Storybrooke, the town at least is not 'a land without magic' anymore. I mean in the curse there wasn't any kind of direction, to my knowledge, only the absence-of-magic-important-detail.
If there's something I've missed, please let me know, thank you.
Once upon a time season 1 episode 2.