I just read it, for some reason I hadn't come round to read it yet, too much other stuff going on I suppose. Finally, I could delight myself again with some Discworld :-)
For those who don't know the Discworld book series (if this is possible) I'm not sure this is the best to start with. Of course you could read it without having read all the others, but it's not the same thing. I believe it's better enjoyed if you already know what the people in it have gone through before, what type they are. There are a lot of books before this. 36, to be precise, although not all of them talk about the same people, just the same world. So if you wanted to start you could find all those set in the city of Ankh-Morpork, and those talking about the wizards. Then you'd better enjoy this. And it'd be worth it.
I love the Discworld books, really really love them. Pratchett writing is fantastic. It's fantasy, real fantasy with a different world, wizards, witches, and all fantasy creatures you can think of, probably. But it's also very different from all the fantasy books you've read before, more sarcastic, witty, and from my personal point of view even more real :lol: because despite being so very different from our world, the people are more like real people than those in the other fantasy books. That's the majesty of Discworld.
For those who already know the series, this is set in Ankh-Morpork, and protagonists are the wizards. Because of some technicality discovered by Ponder (or course, who else? :D ) the wizards have to take part in the famous street game foot-the-ball, until now only played by ..ehmm... normal people? workers? well, no nobs, that's for certain, but now that the wizards are involved things are obviously going to change. Lord Vetinari is also very keen on this, (yayyy I love love Vetinari :-D) so they make a team, teach others the new rules, design a new better ball, and play football!
In the university however things are not the same as ever, because the Dean is not there anymore. Do not fear, he simply went to another university, if you can believe that. He certainly can.
There is also a misterious character, a certain Mr Nutt, who says to be a goblin, and that only Ridcully knows who he is, and of course Vetinari; Mr Nutt has been sent by none others than Lady Margolotta herself.
The things I love most in this book, well I always love both Ridcully and my dear Vetinari, but this time we get to see Vetinari drunk, or at least he says he is :lol: and we even hear him laugh out loud. Not sure if that's ever happened before, maybe it was because he was with Lady M., who knows :p
We have brief appearances of the Watch and Vimes himself, of Cut-me-own-throat-Dibbler, and Mr De Worde, because you can't have an important football match without a journalist present, can you?
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