sabato 3 maggio 2014

Sherlock 1x01 A study in pink - perfect start

Never a first episode was so perfect. I mean. if you don't like this episode, it's useless to try the others, because everything that Sherlock is you'll find it in here. As it should be you're first introduced to John Watson aka Martin Freeman, than he says to a friend "come on, who would want me as a flatmate" and we are told someone else has just said the same thing, and it's not a difficult deduction at all to guess who that is. So we are introduced to Sherlock in the morgue where he hits a corpse with a riding crop as a scientific experiment; they are so very different, one is an army doctor, which means he's brave with a strong sense of duty and also very kind and he cares about people, while Sherlock appears to be indifferent to humanity and with his own personal rules regarding what he should or shouldn't do. Despite all this, when they are in a taxi and Sherlock shows off his deduction skills explaining how he knows so much about John, we hear John say what we are all thinking, I mean that really was amazing wasn't it? You must say yes, here, you'll like the other episodes only if you answer yes; if you found that exibition of intelligence annoying you'd better stop watching, honest. The fact that the two character will bond and do well together is also clear in this scene, when Sherlock says how people usually react to him, and John reacts exactly like I did: a defenceless smile that means "I'm done, it's useless to fight it, I'm already hooked" as we all are, well I was :-D Every second of this episode is perfect, every line they say, every bit of music... if I had to find a thing I'd prefer different, is the fact that when they are looking at the lady in pink and John keeps saying how fantastic Sherlock's deductions are, we barely see Sherlock's expression when he says 'it's fine' because of the annoying light behind him, but that's the end of it. Everything else is just perfect. The way Sherlock changes after meeting John is already here in this episode: we see him starting with a fake smile that he considers the appropriate thing to do meeting his new flatmate, than we see an esitant smile when John laughs because of the "welcome to London" thing, like he's not used to it, than they get home and laugh together like school kids, and in the end he stops his deductions when he understands he'd better protect John, and he's already changed. Usually so cold and self-controlled now we see him stattering an excuse, saying "I'm in shock, look I've got a blanket" which still makes me laugh thinking about it. He's already changed at the end of one episode, it probably never happened to him that a stranger (they've known each other for what?two days??) would kill to save him. The whole scene is beautiful. And if we understood that John is the only one who can really bear with him when he's not angry at being called an idiot, in the same way we know that John as been accepted by Sherlock as an important, different, permanent figure in his life when Sherlock's too is not angry at being called an idiot, he smiles instead! Don't hate me but personally I don't agree with those that want them romantically involved, the same way I never liked it in any series that had two characters working together and they MUST end up together, like Booth&Bones, like Mulder&Scully: I was so annoyed when they ended up together, I hated it. Why can't they be important friends? To find a REAL friend is more difficult than finding a lover. People normally use the word "friend" easily, in want of a better word, for people they like to talk to, they like to spend time with, but a REAL friend is something else, not so common at all. I like the fact that they are just friend, because seomeone is finally giving it the importance it should have, and that nobody else ever acknowledge. It is a strong kind of love, of course they love each other, just in a different way, but in no way less strong or less important, I'd say in a much more important way at that. That said, can I say how I also love Molly Hooper, the pathologist desperately in love with Sherlock, so happy they gave her more and more space because I loved her from the first "Okay" that she said, and also Detective Inspector Lestrade, such a cool, handsome and clever man, the kind of character that usually would be the hero of the series, and serves to prove that Sherlock is something extraordinary to be so smarter than him. Would I watch it again?? I've already watched it so many times I know it by heart :lol:

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