Another great one. My least favourite of the three, but still good and fun.
It starts exactly where we left off, replaying the last scene when Doc comes back. “Where we’re going we don’t need roads” and they fly off, but this time we also see Biff seeing them go.
There’s a whole new world there, this future has flying cars and flying taxies, and it’s only October 21st, 2015. :lol:
Jennifer asks too many questions so Doc simply puts her to sleep. There’s even a flying sign of Hill Valley so they know where’s their exit.
Marty is the spitting image of his son so Doc’s plan is for Marty to take his son’s place and tell a guy named Griff that he’s out otherwise his son will go to jail for 15 years and it’ll go down from there for his whole family.
Marty tells Griff no then escapes on a pink overboard and causes Griff to be arrested. Good, now they could go, but no. 1 thing: two cops find a sleeping Jennifer and take her home, so now they need to get her back. In that house we learn that Marty sr’s future went to hell when he caused an accident, crashed his car into someone’s. The man in the Rolls Royce pressed charges, he broke his hand and abandoned his music… it was all a big chain reaction. Another thing is that Marty bought a sports Almanac to take back with him, to make money with bets, but Doc sees it and throws it away. Biff saw there were two Marty McFly junior, so he spied on them and learned that Doc invented a time machine, so he steals it with the almanac he took from the bin.
Marty sr does it again, Needles calls him a chicken so he does whatever he’s asked, and he’s the one who gets fired. Jennifer is going out when old Jennifer comes home, they see each other and faint (no universe destroyed, luckily).
Now they go back to 1985, they put Jennifer on her porch still sleeping, in the swing. Then Doc takes Marty home, but things are weirdly different, another family lives in Marty’s house, there are wrecked cars everywhere, and police chalk signs… Marty sees a newspaper, it’s October 26th, 1985, the right year. The school burned down six years ago. Gangs shoot in the street, normal people are armed… and Biff is super rich, he has a museum dedicated to him, where we learn that at 21 he became a millionaire betting on horses. He kept winning, got called the luckiest man alive, built an empire: Biffco. In 1979 he made gambling legal and turned Hill Valley’s courthouse into a casino-hotel. He married Lorraine, although she didn’t look happy at all.
Marty looks still shocked. Three man knock him down and once again he wakes up to Lorraine by his bedside, bust this time she is his mother, but even if they live with Biff his biodad is still George and she still loves George. She wants to leave, but Biff would cut off money and support for all three of her kids. George died twelve years ago: Apr 1 1938——Mar 15 1973
Doc was smart enough to check the public library, looked in the news: George was shot dead.
Doc explains that at some point in the past someone created an alternate 1985: for everyone but Doc Marty and Einstein it is their reality. Doc found the bag that contained the book from the future, along with the head of old Biff’s cane, in the time machine. That’s how Biff made his fortune.
Alternate-reality Doc was declared legally insane and committed to an asylum. Biff was watching “a handful of dollars”, the scene with the bulletproof vest, Bill calls it. This is to keep in mind for the third movie :p
Marty names the almanac to him to get his attention, and asks him when he got it: Nov 12th, 1955, it was. Biff tells him the story, but then tries to shoot him so Marty runs, but to the roof. Biff confesses he killed George. Marty and Doc go back to Nov 12 1955: “Don’t worry Marty, assuming we succeed in our mission, this alternate 1985will be changed into the real 1985, instantaneously transforming around Jennifer and Einie”
I always love Doc’s speeches. Once again they hide the car where Marty hid it the first time. The plan is: “you go into town. Track down young Biff and tail him. Sometime today, old Biff will show up to give young Biff the almanac. Above all, you must not interfere with that event. We must let old Biff believe he’s succeeded, so that he’ll leave 1955 and bring the Delorean back to the future”
“once old Biff is gone, grab the almanac any way that you can. Remember, both of our futures depend on this”
Right now, until tonight at 10.04, there are 2 Doc and 2 Marty in 1955.
Not even old Biff can stand young Biff, that should tell him something. The almanac is 50 years, from 1950 to 2000. Marty gets locked into Biff’s garage, but before Doc arrives in a bicycle he’s already going to the dance, in the back of Biff’s car. Doc talks to young Doc, then goes away without young Doc knowing who he was talking to.
Marty tries to get the book, but finds he followed the wrong book Biff put the almanac cover into another magazine: oh la la.
Right then, Biff gets knocked out by George, so Marty takes the book and runs. Biff’s guys see him and want to get him, they follow him into the gym where young Marty is playing Johnny B. Goode. They’re waiting to jump on him, big problem.
“Great Scott. Your other self will miss the lightning bolt at the clock tower, you won’t get back to the future, and we’ll have a major paradox!”
“Wait wait wait. A paradox? You mean one of those things that can destroy the universe?”
“Precisely” :lol:
So Marty has to stop those guys and he does, but Biff then finds him and calls him a chicken so Marty stays there and gets knocked out, and Biff gets his book back and drives away. Doc and he approach Biff’s car with the Delorean, and Marty uses his pink hoverboard to get close and finally takes it. Biff chases him but Doc gives Marty a lift in the air and Biff crashes and his car is filled with manure again.
Doc tells Marty to burn the book (as always, books burn like nothing in movies, a simple matchstick and you have a fire…) anyway, that alternate hellish reality has been changed, as their newspaper from 1985 can prove, so now that “the future is back” they could both go home, but before Doc can land his car, he is struck by lightning and disappears. Marty is still in shock when a car approaches: a man looking for him to give him something: a letter. A man from Western Union. They’ve had that envelope for the past 70 years. They had a bet if he’d be there to get it.
Marty reads it right there under the rain…
Doc’s been eight months already in 1885 and lets Marty know that he is alright.
Marty has no other choice bust to go to young Doc again, right after he sent the other Marty back to 1985, Marty appears again and tells him: “you did send me back to the future, but I’m back. I’m back from the future”
Doc faints.
To be concluded… and there’s a preview of the next movie, coming summer 1990. Love that one!
Marty - Michael J. Fox
Doc - Christopher Lloyd
Jennifer - Lea Thompson - but I don’t think this is right…
Directed by Robert Zemeckis
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